Brief description
Brief description |
Brief description
Since early 1948, the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, in cooperation with the publishing house Hans Carl, Nuremberg, publishes
Kunstchronik. Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft, Museumswesen und Denkmalpflege
With the foundation of the Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker (VDK) in August 1948 the Kunstchronik became its bulletin. At present, some 2,000 copies are published each month.
The journal's subtitle succinctly specifies the main fields of interest: Critical comments from an art historical point of view on questions regarding cultural policy, on conferences and exhibitions, institutions and latest findings as well as information and reports on the state of research with respect to new publications and reviews. The Kunstchronik publishes articles in German, English, French and Italian (cf. tables of contents).
Starting with the March 2011 issue the Kunstchronik will be published with a new red cover and a redesigned layout:
The changed appearance is accompanied by an actualisation and modernization of the content while at the same time maintaining the high academic standards of the magazine. One main focus of attention of the Kunstchronik has always been and will continue to be internationalization: We hope to get a higher proportion of articles from foreign colleagues over the coming years, discussing current exhibitions and conferences as well as long time relevant methodological issues.
If you would like to make suggestions concerning the content of the Kunstchronik or to submit articles (we especially appreciate proposals related to current academic controversies in art history and methodological issues), please contact the editor in chief, PD Dr. Christine Tauber: or
Editorial office
At present the editorial office consists of PD Dr. Christine Tauber (editor), Gabriele Strobel (assistant editor, responsible for new publications and exhibition calendar) and Léa Kuhn (academic assistant).
Schedule of national and international events in the Kunstchronik
In order to guarantee that relevant art historical exhibitions are listed in the exhibition calendar, organisers are asked to inform the editorial office not later than the last week of the previous month about the event, giving the title of the exhibition, dates and the title of the catalogue (if applicable).
Books sent to the editorial office are listed under the heading "Bei der Redaktion eingegangene Neuerscheinungen" (New publications received by the Kunstchronik).
Subscription rate (11 issues per year):
Normal: | = EUR 65,90 |
VDK members: | = EUR 52,90 |
Students: | = EUR 40,90 |
Europe and Overseas, surface mail | = EUR 77,90 |
Europe, air mail | = EUR 96,90 |
Overseas, SAL | = EUR 108,90 |
Overseas, airmail | = EUR 134,90 |
This information is supplied without liability (1.1.2009) |
Cancellation period: 6 weeks before the end of the year.
Single issue including VAT (exclusive of postage & handling): EUR 7.90 (article. 2124)
The Kunstchronik can be obtained from:
- Verlag Hans Carl
Mrs. Astrid Theiss
Postfach 990 153
90268 Nürnberg - Germany
Phone.: ++49 (0)911 / 95285-29
Fax: ++49 (0)911 / 95285-8142
You can also order online.
Advertising office
Verlag Hans Carl, Postfach 990153, D-90268 Nürnberg, Tel.: ++49/911/95285-20, Fax: ++49/911/95285-47
Contact: PD Dr. Christine Tauber