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Neu: "Gottfried Lindauer – Painting New Zealand", RIHA Journal 0189-0197

Gastherausgeberinnen des neuen Special Issues sind Alexandra Karentzos (TU Darmstadt), Miriam Oesterreich (TU Darmstadt) und Britta Schmitz (Nationalgalerie, Berlin)
Neu: "Gottfried Lindauer – Painting New Zealand", RIHA Journal 0189-0197

Gottfried Lindauer, Hon. Wiremu Tako Ngatata Te Teoteo, 1880, oil on canvas, 51 x 43,3 cm. Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, gift of H E Partridge, 1915 (adaptiert von: RIHA Journal 0189, Alexandra Karentzos and Miriam Oesterreich, Editorial, Abb.8)


This special issue compiles papers presented at the 2015 “Gottfried Lindauer – Painting New Zealand” conference organized by the Technische Universität Darmstadt and the Nationalgalerie Berlin. Both the issue and the conference itself constitute an extension of the acclaimed exhibition “Gottfried Lindauer – The Māori Portraits”, shown between 20 November 2014 and 12 April 2015 in the Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin, and present an array of scholarly and theoretical perspectives.

The essays place the work of the artist, hitherto discussed mostly in an ethnographic context, into an already globalized framework shaped by transcultural contacts. They generate new perspectives on past as well as present exhibition regimes, addressing questions of colonial self-presentation and representation, both of which are intellectually intriguing and currently the subject of politically-charged controversy. The dissonance between how the Māori used and valued portraiture and how the West viewed and reflected on the pictorial is discussed, as are negotiations over the documentary and the pictorial.

Alexandra Karentzos, Miriam Oesterreich und Britta Schmitz (Hg.), Gottfried Lindauer – Painting New Zealand, in: RIHA Journal 0189-0197



RIHA Journal ist das eJournal der International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art; die Redaktion ist am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München angesiedelt.

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