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Festvortrag Wolfgang-Ratjen-Preis 2011 // Hugo Chapman: The dawn of the database age in museums: the creation of the first complete catalogue of the collection of Italian drawings at the British Museum



von 18:15 bis 20:15


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG, Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10, 80333 München

Termin übernehmen

Aus Anlass der Vergabe des Wolfgang-Ratjen-Preises an Kristina Deutsch, M.A., München, für ihre Dissertation "Jean Marot und der Architekturstich im 17. Jahrhundert in Frankreich. Die Darstellung des Louvre-Palastes im sogenannten "Grand Marot"".


Festvortrag H. Chapman, anlässlich der Verleihung des Wolfgang-Ratjen-Preises 2011. The lecture looks at the process of putting names to the British Museum's collection of Italian drawings during the development of the on-line database that was initiated in 1995. It will highlight specific examples to throw light on the study and reasoning that underlies the upgrading and demoting of attribution that occurs in the ever-changing nature of an on-line database.

Hugo Chapman studied History of Art at London university, he worked in the Old Master Drawings department of Christie's in London from 1985 until he left to become the curator of Italian drawings at the British Museum in 1995. Aside from working on the museum's database he has been involved in organizing exhibitions on Marco Zoppo, Raphael, Michelangelo and, most recently, on Italian quattrocento drawings that is currently on view in the Uffizi in Florence.