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The Hugo Helbing Lecture

Helbing_Lecutre_BildHugo Helbing (1863-1938) was the founder and director of Germany’s foremost auction house, the market leader in the German speaking countries between c. 1900 and 1935. At his headquarters in Munich, his branch offices in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin, as well as abroad, Helbing held more than 800 auctions, many of outstanding importance. His exquisite catalogues defined new standards in their exemplary assessment of objects and contributed significantly to Germany’s competitive position in the international art trade at the time. Helbing, who was honoured with many awards for his achievements and magnanimity, also published scholarly periodicals, among them the Monatsberichte über Kunstwissenschaft und Kunsthandel. Due to his Jewish origin Helbing was murdered in the wake of the Reichspogromnacht in 1938. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates his achievements every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.

Hugo Helbing (1863-1938) gründete und leitete das zwischen ca. 1900 und ca. 1935 führende Kunstauktionshaus im deutschsprachigen Raum. Am Hauptsitz in München, an den Niederlassungen in Frankfurt a.M. und Berlin sowie im Ausland veranstaltete Helbing über 800 z.T. herausragende Auktionen. Ihre Kataloge setzten neue Maßstäbe in der wissenschaftlichen Bearbeitung und Druckqualität und trugen wesentlich dazu bei, dass Deutschland in diesen Jahren eine führende Stellung im internationalen Kunsthandel einnahm. Helbing veröffentlichte auch wissenschaftliche Periodika, u.a. die Monatsberichte über Kunstwissenschaft und Kunsthandel. Für seine Verdienste und sein wohltätiges Engagement wurde er mit zahlreichen Ehrungen ausgezeichnet. Helbing wurde im Zuge der Reichspogromnacht 1938 als Jude ermordet. Die Hugo Helbing Lecture zur Erforschung des Kunstmarkts erinnert einmal im Jahr an sein Wirken. Sie fand erstmals 2016 anlässlich der Schenkung von annotierten Auktionskatalogen aus seiner Firma an das Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München statt.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2024 // Donata Levi: Reflecting on the gaze of the connoisseur

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2024 // Donata Levi: Reflecting on the gaze of the connoisseur

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2023 // Frances Fowle: Invisible Agents - Women Collectors and the Art Market

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2023 // Frances Fowle: Invisible Agents - Women Collectors and the Art Market

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2022 // Anne Helmreich: Charting our Future - art market studies and provenance research in the digital age

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2022 // Anne Helmreich: Charting our Future - art market studies and provenance research in the digital age

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2021 // Lynn Catterson: Stefano Bardini and Wilhelm von Bode:  A Case of Collaborative Contamination of the Canon and the Scholarly Literature?

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2021 // Lynn Catterson: Stefano Bardini and Wilhelm von Bode: A Case of Collaborative Contamination of the Canon and the Scholarly Literature?

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


ABGESAGT: The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2020 // Lynn Catterson: Stefano Bardini and Wilhelm von Bode:  A Case of Collaborative Contamination of the Canon and the Scholarly Literature?

ABGESAGT: The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2020 // Lynn Catterson: Stefano Bardini and Wilhelm von Bode: A Case of Collaborative Contamination of the Canon and the Scholarly Literature?

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2019 // Michael Kauffmann "Refugee Art Dealers in England in the 1930s-40s"

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2019 // Michael Kauffmann "Refugee Art Dealers in England in the 1930s-40s"

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2018 // Meike Hopp: Paris – Berlin – München. Die Kunsthandlung als „Bauaufgabe“ um 1900

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2018 // Meike Hopp: Paris – Berlin – München. Die Kunsthandlung als „Bauaufgabe“ um 1900

Die Hugo Helbing Lecture zur Erforschung des Kunstmarkts erinnert einmal im Jahr an das Wirken Hugo Helbings. Sie fand erstmals 2016 anlässlich der Schenkung von annotierten Auktionskatalogen aus seiner Firma an das Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München statt.


The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2017 // Craig Clunas: Marketing Art in China from Ming to Modernity

The Hugo Helbing Lecture 2017 // Craig Clunas: Marketing Art in China from Ming to Modernity

This lecture is part of the Hugo Helbing Lecture. The Hugo Helbing Lecture – Exploring the Art Market commemorates the achievements of Hugo Helbing every year. It was first held in 2016 on the occasion of the donation of annotated auction catalogues from his firm to the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich.


Hugo Helbing (1863-1938) - Auktionen für die Welt

Hugo Helbing (1863-1938) - Auktionen für die Welt

Veranstaltung anlässlich der Schenkung von annotierten Katalogen an das Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
