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Current Research. Lektüreseminar am ZI mit Christopher P. Heuer



von 14:00 bis 16:00




Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG, Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10, 80333 München

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Lektüreseminar: Christopher Heuer: Arctic Ink

Current Research. Lektüreseminar am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. Das Lektüreseminar diskutiert jüngst publizierte Arbeiten oder aber weitgehend abgeschlossene Manuskripte. Die Texte werden vier Wochen im Voraus an die TeilnehmerInnen verschickt und dann gemeinsam mit den AutorInnen diskutiert.

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Christopher P. Heuer is Associate Professor of Art History at the University of Rochester, where he also teaches in the Graduate Program in Visual Culture.  Until 2017, Heuer was Director the Academic and Research Program at the Clark Art Institute, faculty member at Columbia University (2005-7) and Princeton (2007-2014). As author of The City Rehearsed (Oxford, 2008), and co-author of Vision and Communism (New York, 2011), and Ecologies, Agents, Terrains (New Haven, 2018), Heuer was a Fulbright Scholar, a Samuel H. Kress Fellow at the Kunsthistorisch Instituut of the Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, a Getty Fellow, and a Gerda Henkel-Stiftung Fellow at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2009). In 2014-5 he was Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington DC, and in 2018 Heuer was an invited scholar at Wolfson College, Cambridge, the same year he was appointed the Bernard Berenson Fellow at Harvard University’s I Tatti in Florence.  Heuer’s new book about the Renaissance arctic Into the White, is forthcoming from Zone Books/MIT Press in early 2019.



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