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Panofsky Lecture 2023 // Andrea Pinotti: Cyber-monuments. Memorialisation today between Virtual and Augmented Reality



von 18:15 bis 19:30


Großer Lesesaal der Bibliothek, 1. OG, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, 80333 München

Termin übernehmen

The digital revolution is often presented as a process of dematerialisation of experience and media. On the contrary, the notion of “matter” needs to be broadened to include digital entities. This is demonstrated by contemporary digital practices of memorialisation, which on the one hand innovate the concept of monument, but on the other confirm its status as social memory externalised on a support. In my lecture I will try to investigate this condition, exploring some relevant case-studies related to the two main technologies: virtual reality (immersive) and augmented reality (emersive).


Veranstaltungsplakat zur Panofsky-Lecture mit schwarz-weißer IllustrationProf. Dr. Andrea Pinotti is professor of aesthetics at the Department of Philosophy of Università degli Studi di Milano >>



Die Veranstaltung findet vor Ort im ZI statt und wird parallel via Zoom übertragen. Dem Zoom-Meeting können Sie unter folgendem Link beitreten: Meeting-ID: 856 5934 5839 | Passwort: 148258.
