Stanley Brouwn : museumjournaal 16
Stanley Brouwn (1935-2017)
museumjournaal 16, 3 (Juli 1971). - Amsterdam: Stichting Kunstpublikaties. - SS. 117-168 + Anzeigen.
ZI-Signatur: Per I 1/41 (16.1971,3 R
„nice copy of this sought-after issue, with an original work by Stanley Brouwn entitled
1001 stappen. The journal includes original works by Ger van Elk, Marinus Boezem and
Jan Dibbets, in addition to texts by important curators and art historians Rudi Fuchs
(b. 1942), Johannes Cladders (1924-2009), and Carel Blotkamp (b. 1945). With useful
exhibition lists for the four artists (pp. 160-61). On p. 167, Cladders describes Brouwn’s
show going through cosmic rays at the Mönchengladbach Städtisches Museum.“ (Cat. 241, Jonathan A. Hill Bookseller, New York)