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Agnieszka Dziki, M.A.

Stipendiatin der Uni Warschau | Juli 2024–September 2024

Zimmer: 143

Telefon: +49 89 289-27590
Abteilung/en: Forschung
Gruppe/n: Fellows


  • 2021–present | University of Cologne, PhD candidate, with Professor Aleksandra Lipińska (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst: Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen/Cotutelle); Thesis title: „Collecting Incompleteness. The Reception of Unfinished and Imperfect Objects in Early Modern Germany”
  • 2019–present | University of Warsaw, PhD candidate, with Professor Grażyna Jurkowlaniec
  • April–September 2018 | Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich, short term programme (Gemeinschaft für studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa Scholarship)
  • March–July 2017 | University of Cologne, short-term programme (Erasmus Scholarship)
  • January–June 2016 | University of Copenhagen, short-term programme (Erasmus Scholarship)
  • 2012–2018 | University of Warsaw, College of Inter-Area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences; MA History of Art: “Kleinplastik – small scale sculpture in Ulm and the Upper Rhein: forms and functions of objects in the years 1430 to 1530”


  • October 2019–October 2020 Specialist, Wejman Gallery, Warsaw
  • August 2017–July 2018 Art historian, Municipal Museum, Racibórz
  • November 2016–February 2017 Intern, Gallery of Medieval Art, National Museum, Warsaw
  • February–May 2016 Volunteer, National Museum in Copenhagen; Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen
  • 2015 Employee, Education Department, National Museum in Warsaw
  • 2012–2014 Volunteer, Museum of King John III's Palace at Wilanów, Warsaw


  • Lecturer, “The Materiality of Images in Late Medieval Art”, University of Warsaw, Institute of Art History (BA course: Spring 2021, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2023)

Research projects:

  • October 2023–March 2024 | Junior Fellow at the CAS “Imaginaria of Force”, University of Hamburg
  • October 2020–September 2024 | Principal investigator in research project Intentional incompleteness. The reception of ‘unfinished’ and ‘damaged’ objects to the North of the Alps between 1430 and 1530 supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (PRELUDIUM 17)
  • October 2019–September 2022 | Investigator in research project Matrix of Confusion. The Production of Woodcut Illustration in Poland-Lithuania and Prussia until the Early Seventeenth Century supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (OPUS 16)

Selected Publications:

  • “I carve my figures fine and make them come to life’. The Animation of Late Medieval Kleinplastik,” In The Living Image in the Middle Ages – and beyond. Theoretical and Historical Approaches, edited by Kamil Kopania and Henning Laugerud, New York and London: Routledge, 2024, forthcoming.
  • “Introduction: Materiality, Scale, and Status of Early Modern Terracotta.” In The Materiality of Terracotta Sculpture in Early Modern Europe, edited by Zuzanna Sarnecka and Agnieszka Dziki, 1–11. New York and London: Routledge, 2023.
  • “Welsch kontra Deutsch: nowa rzeźba kolekcjonerska w Szwabii i nad Górnym Renem w latach 1470-1530.” In Novitas versus auctoritas w sztuce średniowiecznej. Studia dedykowane Profesorowi Piotrowi Skubiszewskiemu w dziewięćdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, edited by Jakub Adamski and Juliusz Raczkowski, 219–242. Toruń–Warszawa, 2022.
  • “Elie Nadelman. Forma doskonała.” and “Dwie nieznane ;Głowy Idealne’ Eliasza Nadelmana w konteksty wczesnego okresu twórczości.” In Elie Nadelman. W poszukiwaniu piękna, edited by Magdalena Furmanik-Kowalska, 9–19; 45–50. Warszawa 2022.
  • “Three Crucifixes in the Amerbach Collection and the incomplete small-scale sculptures.” Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 57, no. 3 (2020): 47–59.
  • “Rzeźbiarze południowoniemieccy wobec reformacji. Przypadek Daniela Maucha.” In: Nowożytnicze Zeszyty Historyczne. Reformacja i Konfesjonalizacja w nowożytnej Europie, edited by Adrian Szczepaniec, 81–99, Kraków 2018.
  • “Rubens nowoczesności? Dialog Jamesa Ensora z dawnymi mistrzami.” In Nowoczesność: bunt i tradycja. Materiały I Warszawskiego Forum Studentów Historii Sztuki, edited by Marcin Lewicki, 197–212. Warszawa 2017.