Prof. Dr. Barbara Murovec
Stipendiatin des DAAD am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, März bis April 2020 sowie September bis Dezember 2020
- October 13, 2000 | European Visual Models for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Slovenia, PhD at the Faculty of Arts (Professor Bogomil Komelj), University of Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- October–December 2000 | Graz, Karl-Franzens-Universität (Alpe Adria fellowship)
- March–June 1999 | Vienna, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien (ÖAD fellowship)
- May–September 1998 | Munich, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der LMU (Alpe Adria fellowship)
- 1996/1997 | Munich, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (DAAD fellowship)
- 1995 | Graduated from Art History and Comparative Literature, University of Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- 1984-1988 | Natural Sciences High School (Gymnasium Bežigrad), Ljubljana/Slovenia.
Main fields of research
Painting and graphic arts from the 16th to the 18th century (especially baroque ceiling painting) in Central Europe, sculpture 19th to 20th century (Habsburg Monarchy, Yugoslavia); collecting and patronage, provenance research, artistic migration; iconography and iconology; city/monument/memory studies; art and politics; historiography and methodology of art history.
Professional Experience
- Guest Scholar at the Getty Research Institute: research project Connecting Collecting and Provenance Research (Slovenia/Ex-Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe), September – December 2019.
- From October 2019 | part-time Researcher at the Research and Documentation Center JAS, Ljubljana
- From 1 October 2009 | Associate Professor of Art History at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor.
- From 2005-2018 | Research advisor and director of the France Stele Institute of Art History at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). Leader of research programme Slovenian Artistic Identity in European Context at the France Stele Institute of Art History (2015–2019).
- From 1995-2019 | Researcher at the France Stele Institute of Art History at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- The Izidor Cankar Award for 2005 and 2007 (conferred by the Slovenian Art History Society for achievements in art history).
- Prešeren Students Award for Diploma Thesis, 1995.
Functions in Research Societie
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Institut für kunst- und musikhistorische Forschungen ÖAW, Vienna
- From 2011 | President within the Research Council for the Humanities at Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).
- 2010-2016 | Secretary and second Vice-President of RIHA (Research Institutes on the History of Art), since 2016 member of RIHA Research Committee.
- From 2006 | founding member of the international research group Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe.
- 2004-2007 | Vice-President of SUZD – Slovenian Society of Art History
Selected Experiences as Editor
- RIHA journal (member of editorial board 2011-). München: International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art c/o Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. ISSN 2190-3328.
- Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, scientific journal of the Institute of Art History in Zagreb/Croatia (member of the International Council since 2012).
- Acta historiae artis Slovenica (member of editorial board 1997-2018, editor in chief 2002-2003, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2012, 2015, 2018). ISSN 1408-0419.
- Umetnine v žepu (Art in the Pocket), (editor 2010-2018). Ljubljana: Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Umetnostna kronika (Art Chronical). (ed. in chief and responsible ed. 2003-2018). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta, 2003-. ISSN 1581-7512. With Ana Lavrič and Franci Lazarini: Patriae et orbi: essays on Central European art and architecture: Festschrift in honour of Damjan Prelovšek Ljubljana 2015. 804 pp.
- With Ana Lavrič and Franci Lazarini: Patriae et orbi: essays on Central European art and architecture: Festschrift in honour of Damjan Prelovšek Ljubljana 2015. 804 pp.
- With Nenad Makuljević: Establishing National Identity in Public Space. Public Monuments in Slovenia and Serbia in the 19th Century; Visualizing Memory and Making History. Public Monuments in Former Yugoslav Space in the Twentieth Century (= Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2013, 1-2), Ljubljana 2013.
- With Nenad Makuljević: Establishing National Identity in Public Space. Public Monuments in Slovenia and Serbia in the 19th Century; Visualizing Memory and Making History. Public Monuments in Former Yugoslav Space in the Twentieth Century (= Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2013, 1-2), Ljubljana 2013.
- With Ana Lavrič: Samostanska umetnost = Monastic art and architecture (= Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2012, 17/2). Ljubljana 2012. 202 pp.
- With Tina Košak: Art History in Slovenia (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae). Ljubljana 2011. 270 pp.
- Baroque ceiling painting. Public and private devotion in the towns of Central Europe and Northern Italy (= Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 16, 1/2). Ljubljana 2011. 301 pp.
- With Metoda Kokole, Marjeta Šašel Kos and Michael Talbot: Mediterranean myths from classical antiquity to the eighteenth century = Mediteranski miti od antike do 18. stoletja. Ljubljana 2010. ISBN 978-961-254-178-1.
Recent Selected Experiences as Organiser of International Conferences and Workshops (selection)
- (Past) Visions of the Future and the Materialization of Memory in Public Space: Nova Gorica – A Town Built on the Border after the Second World War in Comparative Perspective, International Conference. Nova Gorica, 8–10 November 2018.
- Dispossessions of Cultural Objects between 1914 and 1989/1991: The Alpe Adria Region in Comparative Perspectives (with Ljerka Dulibić, Strossmayer Gallery/Zagreb, Christian Fuhrmeister, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte/Munich, Donata Levi/University of Udine), TransCultAA International Conference, 19–21 March, 2018, France Stele Institute of Art History ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.
- Vienna as a Sculptural Centre in the “Long 19th Century”: Current Research on Sculpture in Central Europe/Wien als Zentrum der Bildhauerei im „langen 19. Jahrhundert“. Aktuelle Forschungen zur Skulptur in Mitteleuropa (invited lecture Andreas Gottsmann, Vienna/Rome), International workshop, Ljubljana, 5–6 February 2018.
- Villa Vigoni workshop: Between (History of) Art and Politics: Transfer of Cultural Assets in the Region Alpe Adria in the 20th Century, 4 to 6 March 2015.
- Art Historical Research in Context. Teaching and Exhibiting Modern Art before and after 1945, International Workshop, Ljubljana, 15–17 December 2014.
- War Monuments, International Workshop, Ljubljana, 16–17 December 2014.
Selected Experience in Exhibition Concepts and Organization
- Where Have All the Artworks Gone? Translocations and Dispossessions of Cultural Objects in Slovenia During the Second World War, TransCultAA poster exhibition, presented in Ljubljana, Maribor, Munich and Gdansk in 2018 and 2019.
- I. M. ATTEMS: Hercules Stiriae - Štajerski Herkul = Hercules of Styria, exhibition and art trail: Castle of Slovenska Bistrica, 15. June – 31 December 2017.
- Imago musicae (with Stanko Kokole, University of Ljubljana, and Metoda Kokole, Institute of Musicology ZRC SAZU), Gallery in Regional museum, Castle of Brežice, 21 April - 19. October 2016.
- Dediščina izgnanih: tri stoletja brežiških frančiškanov, Gallery in Regional museum, Castle of Brežice, 18 November 2010 – 15 January 2011.
- Almanach and the painting of the second half of the 17th century in Carniola, National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 20 October – 18 December 2005.
List of Scientific Talks
- Conflicted Cultural Memories & Provenance Research, 2 December 2019, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles/USA.
- Slovenian Art History of World War II between Data and Trauma Processing: New Research Perspective, International Conference “Jewish Heritage in Slovenia”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 19 September 2019, Jerusalem/Israel.
- Importierte Aufklärung: Das Deckengemälde von Andreas Herrlein im Palais Gruber (Ljubljana/Laibach), International workshop “New Researches for Baroque Ceiling Painting”, 31th Mai – 2nd June 2019, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Institute for Art History, Budapest/Hungary.
- “Via Trieste” – Trieste as intersection and cross point for the art trade between Italy and Southeastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, “The Fascist Art Market before, during and after the Rome-Berlin Axis = Der italienische Kunstmarkt im Faschismus vor, während und nach der Achse Berlin-Rom”, Villa Vigoni: Centro Italo-Tedesco per l'Eccellenza Europea = Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz, 29 May 2019, Italy
- How does Slovene art history relate to the Vienna School? Investing the work of France Stele (1886–1972), International Conference “Influence of the Vienna School of Art History before and after 1918”, 4 April 2019, Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha/Czech Republic.
- Kunst in Friedenszeiten. Repräsentation – Traumabearbeitung – Triumph (together with Wolfgang Augustyn: Bilder des Friedens im Wandel: Alte und neue Denkmodelle, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München) Ljubljana/Slovenia, “Endpunkte. Und Neuanfänge”. 14 March 2019, Ringvorlesung 2018/19, University of Ljubljana and DAAD, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Papers on Chapels (Baroque Ceiling Paintings and the Decoration of the Chapels in Palaces and Chateaus): Religious Ceiling Painting Commissions of Ignaz Maria Count of Attems, “Annual Meeting of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe (BCPCE)”, Maribor, 6 December 2018, Maribor/Slovenia.
- (Past) Visions of the Future and the Materialization of Memory in Public Space: Introduction, “International Conference (Past) Visions of the Future and the Materialization of Memory in Public Space - A Town Built on the Border after the Second World War in Comparative Perspective”, 9 November 2018, Nova Gorica/Slovenia.
- Das Familienporträt von Ignaz Maria Graf Attems im Schloss Brežice (Rann), Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium: “Strategien adeliger Repräsentation in der Frühen Neuzeit”, Ljubljana/Slovenia, 11 May 2018.
- Frescoed Religion: Inner Austrian Monuments and the Confessional Conflict Around 1600, “The Power of Media: Patronage, Representation and Propaganda in the Early Modern Period (1450-1800) between the Mediterranean and Central Europe”, 14 June 2018, Split/Croatia.
- First World War, Trauma and Art(ists) (History), 17 May 2018, Invited Lecture, University of Udine/Italy.
- Art Historian France Stele (1886 – 1972) between Monument Protection and Research in Istria, international conference “La conservazione dei monumenti a Trieste, Istria, e Dalmazia 1850 – 1950”, 10 May 2018, Palazzo Economo, Trieste/Italy.
- The Tasks of Sculptors Around 1900 and the Tasks of Their Researchers Around 2018, International Workshop Vienna as a Sculptural Centre in the "Long 19th Century": Current Research on Sculpture in Central Europe = Wien als Zentrum der Bildhauerei im "langen 19, Jahrhundert": aktuelle Forschungen zur Skulptur in Mitteleuropa, 6 February 2018, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Hercules Styriae: Ignaz Maria Graf Attems als Auftraggeber der barocken Deckenmalerei in der Steiermark, 9 January 2018, Invited Lecture, University of Salzburg/Austria.
- Painted Reformation = Naslikana reformacija, Mencingerjeva hiša, Invited Lecture, City Museum Krško/Slovenia, 21 November 2017.
- Ignaz Maria Count Attems and the Confraternities of Saint Dismas, International Conference “The Role of Religious Confraternities in Medieval and Early Modern Art”, France Stele Institute of Art History at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, May 10-12, 2017, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Ignaz Maria Count of Attems as Architect and Hercules: Painted Representation of Generosity and Glory, lecture, International Summer School 2017, Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017, Universities in Graz and Maribor, Graz and castles in Styria/Slovenia & Austria.
- Ignaz Maria Graf von Attems als Auftraggeber der Fresken in seinen Schlössern, “Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria”, 15-16 July 2017, Slovenska Bistrica Castle/Slovenia.
- Ignaz Maria I. Count of Attems and Ceiling Painting in Styria, International Summer Study Days on Baroque Ceiling Painting, Ljubljana - Graz - Lower Styria, Universities in Graz/Austria and Maribor/Slovenia, 30 August - 5 September 2017.
- Slowenische Kunst(geschichte) und Kunstkritik in den 1940er und 1950er Jahren, Die Wende: Kunst- und Mediensysteme in Osteuropa nach den politischen Umbrüchen 1945 und 1989-91, 6-8 July 2017, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Leipzig/Germany.
- Ignaz Maria Graf von Attems und die sakrale Deckenmalerei in der Steiermark : predavanje na delavnici Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, 2-3 June 2016, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Die barocke Deckenmalerei in der Steiermark, Kloster und Kunst - die Bedeutung der Auftraggeber für den Bau und die Ausstattung steirischer Klöster, Ptuj/Slovenia – Graz/Austria, 14.-18 September 2015.
- The State and Exhibition Policies in Slovenian Modern Gallery (1947-1950): International Conference Religion, Nation, State and Visual Culture in the Yugoslav Context, 2 November 2015, Beograd/Serbia.
- Ignaz Maria Count of Attems and Baroque Churches in Styria: lecture, Barokní venkovské kostely v kontextu evropské kultury, Mezinárodní letní škola k barokní architektuře a umění, Broumovsko/Czech Republic, 5-12 July 2015.
- Public Monuments of World War I and Their Religious Aspects, Second Balkan Visual Meeting, 6 June 2015, Basel/Switzerland.
- Die Rezeption der Barockkunst nach 1945 in Slowenien: von der "Besatzerkunst" zum slowenischen "Nationalstil", Barock für ein breites Publikum: Konstruktionen der Epoche in populären Medien diesseits und jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs, Berlin/Germany, 12 June 2015.
- War Memorials Between Art and Politics/Vojni spomeniki med umetnostjo in politico, invited lecture, Art Gallery, Maribor, 28 May 2015.
- France Stele and Slovenian Art History Before and After 1945, Art Historical Research in Context: Teaching and Exhibiting Modern Art Before and After 1945, 16 December 2014, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Ignaz Maria Graf von Attems als Auftraggeber, lecture, “Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität: Kunst in der Steiermak von Mittelalter bis 1918”, 27. jun. 2014, Graz/Austria.
- The Stations of the Cross and Their Artistic Representations = Križev pot in njegova likovna reprezentacija, international conference "Sobratom svojim v dediščino milo" ob 500-letnici Slovenske frančiškanske province sv. Križa, Frančiškanski samostan Ljubljana - center, Frančiškova dvorana, 13 September 2014, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Periodisierung, Stile und Künstler in der Deckenmalerei des 18. Jahrhunderts im Herzogtum Krain, Between Rococo and Classicism: Ceiling Painting in the Second Half of the 18th Century - International Conference and the Meeting of the BCPCE Group, 13 October 2014, Institute of Art History, Zagreb/Croatia.
- Portal “Visual Arts in the City of Maribor”: Digital Art History: Mission, Function, Goals = Portal o likovni umetnosti Maribora - digitalna umetnostna zgodovina: smisel, funkcija, cilji, lecture, Mednarodnem znanstvenem simpoziju Umetnost in njeni mariborski prostori, 29 May 2014, Maribor/Slovenia.
- Four Seasons in Baroque Painting and Conservation of the Painting Allegory of Winter = Štirje letni časi v baročnem slikarstvu in obnova slike Alegorija zime, lecture, Research Institute of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 20 June 2014, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Great War and Public Monuments: shaping Memory in Slovenian Public Space = Velika vojna in javni spomeniki : oblikovanje spomina v slovenskem javnem prostoru, lecture, international conference “Velika vojna - 100 let kasneje”, 11 December 2014, Maribor/Slovenia.
- Visual Culture of Slovenia Between Central Europe and the Balkans, lecture, International Conference Visual Culture of the Balkans: State of Research and Further Directions, 3 July 2014, Belgrade/Serbia.
- Astrology and Astronomy in Baroque Painting = Astrologija in astronomija na baročnih upodobitvah, 5. Grošljev simpozij “Per aspera ad astra: zvezdoslovje v antiki”, 16 October 2013, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Culture and Economy: Slovenia Before and After 1991, “Cultures of Economy”, The 4th DAAD Workshop of the Network Media and Memory in Southeastern Europe, 15th-18th of May 2013, Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo/Bosnia.
- Message of Visual Source and its Impact on Image Concept: Baroque Ceiling Painting in the Styrian Monasteries, Concept, Image, Reception - Baroque Ceiling Painting in the Settings of European Monasteries, International Conference, 19-21 September 2013, Bratislava/Slovakia.
- Artists and War = Umetnici i rat: promene u društvenom i umetničkom položaju slovenačkih umetnika u 20. veku : predavanje na Konferenciji bilateralnog projekta Srbija/Slovenija 2012-2013 "Umetnička razmena i kreiranje jugoslovenskog identiteta u vizuelnoj kulturi od 1848-1990: Srbija-Slovenija/Slovenija-Srbija" - Rat i vizuelna kultura = War and visual culture, 18. October 2013, Faculty of Arts, Beograd/Serbia.
- Baroque Painting and Iconography of Religious Orders = Baročno slikarstvo in redovna ikonografija : lecture, international conference, "Samostani in umetnost" na temo projektov Samostani - povezovalci evropskega umetnostnega prostora in Ljubljanski barok - materialna kultura in duhovni kontekst, 25 April 2012, Prešernova dvorana SAZU, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Fran Tratnik (1881-1957): portretist človeške bede in trpljenja = Portraitist of Human Misery and Suffering, lecture, international conference "Pomembne slovenske osebnosti 20. stoletja", Kadetnica, 5 December 2012. Maribor/Slovenia.
- A Gap Between Proclaimed and Realised Conservation Doctrine - The Case Of Slovenia, lecture, Association of Critical Heritage Studies, University of Gothenburg, 6 June 2012, Gothenburg/Sweden.
- True Art on the "Right" Side, "Europe and the Balkans”, 3rd workshop of the network media and memoria in South-Eastern Europe, 8-13 May 2012, Supetar/Croatia.
- Zwischen methodologischer und ideologischer Kunstgeschichte: Schulung, Anpassung und Transformierung von Wissen, lecture, “Ohne Grenzen, XXXII. Deutscher Kunsthistorikertag”, Universität Greifswald, 20. - 24. März 2013. Greifswald/Germany.
- Allegorical and Mythological Representations of Element Water = Alegorično-mitološke upodobitve elementa Voda. Freske v slavnostni dvorani gradu Brežice in njihov literarno-likovni kontekst, Antični miti v besedi, podobi, in zvoku: lecture, "3. Grošljev simpozij, Društvo za antične in humanistične študije Slovenije, Kamnik/Slovenia, 14 October 2011.
- Die Monatszeitschrift Slovan und das Slawentum in der Kunst Sloweniens: International Conference "Die Idee des Slawentums in Mittel-, Ost- und Süedosteuropa im 20. Jahrhundert, 1-2 December 2011, Berlin/Germany.
- France Stele and his Yugoslav Related Research, "Distinction and Unification. Regional and Supraregional Memories", 2nd Workshop of the network media and memoria in South-Eastern Europe, 26 May 2011. Novi Sad/Serbia.
- Giulio Quaglio in Slovenia: Il Trionfo politico-religioso nella Cattedrale di Lubiana, invited lecture, "L'Arte di Giulio Quaglio nella Provincia di Udine", Palazzo Antonini Belgrado, 18 May 2010, Udine/Italy.
- Die Türken sind im Lande - Kunstzeugnisse und Interpretationen, lecture "Die Türken erinnern. Ausbildung und Überlieferung des Türkengedächtnisses im internationalen Vergleich", 15 October 2010, Bad Radkersburg/Austria.
- Geschichte der slowenischen Kunstgeschichte: Vortrag gehalten am Slowenischen Wissenschaftsinstitut in Wien, 20 November 2007, Vienna/Austria.
- with Matej Klemenčič, Uroš Lubej: The counts of Auersperg portrait gallery from Gornja Radgona and the question of its author(s), international conference, "Flamish and Dutch Painters in Central Europe and Northern Italy in the Late 17th Century: Almanach and the Painting of the Second Half of the 17th Century in Carniola", 20-23 October 2005, National Gallery, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- "Icones a Iohanne Wiriex inuentas et delineatas": zum Sammlungswesen im 17. Jahrhundert, international conference, "Flamish and Dutch Painters in Central Europe and Northern Italy in the Late 17th Century: Almanach and the Painting of the Second Half of the 17th Century in Carniola", 20-23 October 2005, National Gallery, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Avguštin Stegenšek and Baroque Painting = Avguštin Stegenšek in baročno slikarstvo, lecture, conference “Avguštin Stegenšek (1875-1920)”. University Library Maribor, 8 October 2005, Maribor/Slovenia.
- "Insignis pictor Austriacus": zur Erforschung der barocken Deckenmalerei in der Steiermark: international conference “Barocke Wandmalerei in Mitteleuropa/Baroque wall painting in Central Europe”, Brno - Praha, 27. September-1. October 2005. Brno/Czech Republic.
- Barocke Deckenmalerei in Slowenien und ihre Beziehung zu Süddeutschland, bilateral conference “Bayern und Slowenien im Zeitalter des Barock: Architectur, Skulptur, Malerei”, Ljubljana/Slovenia, 9 October 2004.
- The Story of Jason and Other Mythological Subjects in J. W. Valvasor's Print Collection, international conference “Mediterranean myths from the classical antiquity to the 18th century”, 22 October 2004, Ljubljana/Slovenia.
- Die barocke Deckenmalerei in Slowenien, invited lecture, Jour fixe, IEFN, Institut für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit, 1999, Vienna/Austria.
- Reception of the printed illustrations of Ovid's Metamorphoses in the Baroque painting in Slovenia, “Miniature – Drawing – Graphic Art Prints 1450–1700”, International scientific conference on the Occasion of the 500th Anniversary of Birth of Julije Klović, Zagreb/Croatia, 22-24 October 1998.
- Die Zeichnungen des 17. Jahrhunderts im Herzogtum Krain: der Künstlerkreis um den Freiherrn J. W. Valvasor (1641-1693). Internationales Kolloquium "Zur zentraleuropäischen Zeichnung im 17. Jahrhundert", Barockmuseum, Salzburg/Austria, 1997.
List of Acquired Third-Party Funded Projects as Principal Investigator
- Digitization of Jewish Heritage of Slovenia, bilateral research project with Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 1 September 2018 – 31 Auguste 2020, Slovenian Research Agency & Ministry of Science and Technology/Israel; project leader for Slovenia (budget for Slovenia 103.176,37 EUR; budget for Israel 100.000,00).
- EU HERA project Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th Century (TransCultAA); Principal Investigator for Slovenia (204.600,00 EUR), 1 September 2016-30 August 2019. Budget of the project in total 901.924,00 EUR (coordinator Christian Fuhrmeister, Munich); funding: European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
- Visual Arts and Architecture in the Spatial Context of the City of Maribor, 1 July 2011 – 30 June 2014 (400.000,00 EUR), funded by Slovenian Research Agency (300.000,00 EUR), Municipality of Maribor (50.000,00 EUR) and Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (50.000,00 EUR); project leader.
- Efficient models for the assessment of vulnerability of historical monuments in case of armed conflicts; 1 Auguste 2007 – 31 October 2009, Ministry of Defence and Slovenian Research Agency (239.966,29 EUR)
- Slovenian Reception of European Culture: the Valvasor Print Collection; 1 October 2006 – 30 September 2008, Ministry of Culture and Slovenian Research Agency (46.085,80 EUR)
- Slovenian Baroque Painting and Its Place in the European Context, Postdoc Project, 1 July 2001 – 30 June 2004, Slovenian Research Agency (213.546,81 EUR)
- Moreover, I have been a team member in various other research projects on art history of early modern times, funded by Slovenian Research Agency: Visual Representations of the Nobility: Early Modern Art Patronage in the Styria Province (1 January 2016―31 December 2018); The Role and Significance of the Religious Confraternities in the Early Modern Art in Slovenian Lands (1 August 2013―31 July 2016); The Noble Patron. The Role and Significance of Aristocratic Patrons in Sacred Art in the Slovene Lands from the 16th to the 19th Century (1 February 2008―30 January 2011); Art Collecting in the Early Modern Age: J. V. Valvasor and O. F. Buchheim (1 September 2005―31 Auguste 2008); Italy's Artistic Exchange with Southeastern Central Europe 1400-1800 (1 July 2004―30 June 2007).
List of publications (selection)
Scientific monographs
- Janez Vajkard Valvasor: Vnderschidliche de arte amandi Ovidische, nackete Kinder, Bachus, Satyri, Romanische vnd andere Statuen, auch Lauber zum Zeichnen vnd Reissen, wie auch allerley Venerische, vnd sonsten dergleichen nackete Kupfferstich, welche von vnderschidlichen Mahlern, Kupfferstechern vnd andern Künstlern inventirt, gezeichnet, vnd ins Kupffer gestochen, (Iconotheca Valvasoriana, zv. 11). Ljubljana: Fundacija Janez Vajkard Valvasor pri Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti; Zagreb: Zagrebška nadškofija, Biblioteka Metropolitana, 2008. 332 f., LXVII pp., critical source edition.
- Janez Vajkard Valvasor: Vnderschidliche Ovidische Metamorphoseos, poetische, Virgilische, amorosische, vnd sonsten dergleichen Kupfferstich, welche von vnderschidlichen Mahlern, Kupfferstechern vnd andern Künstlern inventirt, gezeichnet, vnd ins Kupffer gestochen, (Iconotheca Valvasoriana, zv. 10). Ljubljana: Fundacija Janez Vajkard Valvasor pri Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti; Zagreb: Zagrebška nadškofija, Biblioteka Metropolitana, 2007. 274 f., LXI pp., critical source edition.
- Original scientific articles
- Historizirana podoba naročnika: Attemsova družinska portreta in Rembov avtoportret iz brežiškega gradu = The Patronʼs Historized Image. Attemsʼ Family Portraits and Rempʼs Self-Portrait in the Brežice (Rann) Castle. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2018, 23/1, pp. 113-131.
- Zwischen Methodologie und Ideologie: Slowenische Kunsthistoriker der Wiener Schule nach 1945. RIHA journal, ISSN 2190-3328, Jan.-Mar. 2015.
- "Anyway, the question of personnel is rather difficult ---": some observations on politcal influence on art (history) in Slovenia. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2014, 19/1, pp. 143-154.
- The statue of the communist revolutionary Boris Kidrič (1912-1953): art, ideology and ethics in the public space. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2013, 18/2, pp. 147-158, 186-187.
- Teologija podobe: o treh Flurerjevih oltarnih slikah v cerkvi Sv. Petra v Malečniku. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2012, 17/1, pp. 57-74.
- Poslikava baročne grajske kapele sv. Janeza Nepomuka na Tuštanju. V: PREINFALK, Miha (ed.). Iz zgodovine gradu Tuštanj pri Moravčah (= Kronika, 57(2009), 2), pp. 395-404.
- Why (not) national art history?: the case of Slovenia. Acta historiae artium: an art-historical journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2008, t. 49, pp. 360-369.
- Drobci za zgodovino in metodologijo slovenske umetnostne zgodovine: Avguštin Stegenšek in baročno stropno slikarstvo. Studia Historica Slovenica, 7, 3/4, pp. 893-908.
- Vorauske pasijonske slike: Johann Caspar Waginger in štajersko baročno slikarstvo. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2005, 10, pp. 65-80.
- Ikonografska analiza smledniških fresk in likovni viri zanje: Eustachius Gabriel med Augsburgom in Dunajem. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2004, 9, pp. 117-135.
- Freske in slikane tapete v dvorcu Röthelstein pri Admontu: Fromillerjevo delo na avstrijskem Štajerskem. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2003, 8, pp. 109-124.
- Likovni viri za baročno stropno slikarstvo v Sloveniji. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino, n. s., 2003, 29, pp. 92-141.
- Slike Francesca Pittonija iz dvorca Haasberg. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2002, 7, pp. 59-69.
- Poslikava cerkve sv. Roka nad Šmarjem pri Jelšah. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2001, 6, pp. 103-122.
- Grafične predloge za skupino baročnih križevih potov. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 1999, 4, pp. 123-134.
- Die Zeichnungen des 17. Jahrhunderts im Herzogtum Krain: der Künstlerkreis um den Freiherrn J. W. Valvasor (1641-1693). Barockberichte, 1998, 20/21, pp. 241-246.
- Stropna dekoracija v dvorani mariborskega gradu: Štirje letni časi Gèrarda de Lairessa, Susanne Marije von Sandrart in Lorenza Laurige. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 1997, 2, pp. 53-64.
- Freske Eustachiusa Gabriela v graščini Smlednik. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 1997, 2, pp. 153-158.
- Grafični listi po Simonu Vouetu in Charlesu Le Brunu kot predloge za baročne stropne poslikave na Kranjskem in Štajerskem. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 1996, 1, pp. 7-33.
- Grafike po risbah Raymonda Lafagea kot predloge za tri Jelovškove supraporte v gradu Jablje. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino, n. s., 1994, 30, pp. 65-71.
- Alegorija petih čutov na freskah v gradu Jablje in na slikanih tapetah iz gradov Dornava in Zaprice = Allegories of the five senses in the frescoes at the castle of Jablje and the painted wall coverings from Dornava and Zaprice. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino, n. s., 1993, 29, pp. 133-148, XLI-LII.
- Jelovškovi antependiji v Trzinu. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta, 1988, 30, pp. 83-86.
Short scientific articles
Professional articles
- With Jana Zapletalová. Ukřižování od Johanna Andrease Strausse. Zprávy památkové péče, 2011, číslo 1, roč. 71, pp. 46-48.
- With Jana Zapletalová. Delo Janeza Andreja Straussa na Moravskem. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 2009, 14, pp. 161-166.
- Quaglieve oltarne slike v ljubljanski stolni cerkvi. Umetnostna kronika, 2005, 7, pp. 2-5.
- Barocke Deckenmalerei in Slowenien. Akademie aktuell: Zeitschrift der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2017, heft 57, ausg. 2, pp. 92-95.
- Baročna poslikava kapelic šmarske Kalvarije in njeno "strokovno" uničevanje. Umetnostna kronika, 2009, 23, pp. 57-60.
- With Blaž Resman. Teritoriji umetnosti: umetnostne topografije v Evropi. Umetnostna kronika, 2007, 17, pp. 21-25.
Chapters in a monograph
- Ewige Präsenz der Wissenschaftler im öffentlichen Raum: Gelehrtendenkmäler in Laibach. V: SCHEMPER-SPARHOLZ, Ingeborg (ed.), et al. Der Arkadenhof der Universität Wien und die Tradition der Gelehrtenmemoria in Europa, (Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte, Bd. 63/64). Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau. 2017, pp. 351-366.
- Malerische und bildhauerische Ausstattung der Orgeln und Orgelemporen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. V: FÜRST, Ulrich (ed.), GOTTDANG, Andrea (ed.). Die Kirchenmusik in Kunst und Architektur : in 2 Bänden, (Enzyklopädie der Kirchenmusik, Bd. 5, 1-2). Laaber: Laaber. cop. 2015, teilband 2, pp. 137-155.
- Slovenski znanstvenik: funkcija in transformacija Miklošičeve podobe na javnih spomenikih. V: LAVRIČ, Ana (ed.), LAZARINI, Franci (ed.), MUROVEC, Barbara (ed.). Patriae et orbi: essays on Central European art and architecture = študije o srednjeevropski umetnosti : festschrift in honour of Damjan Prelovšek = jubilejni zbornik za Damjana Prelovška, (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae). Ljubljana 2015, pp. 667-688.
- Baročna poslikava sobe v stolpu gradu Sevnica. V: ZELIČ, Oskar Zoran (ed.). Grad Sevnica. Sevnica 2011, pp. 235-247.
- Netherlandish painters in Ljubljana: a work by Peter Auwercx in the Ursuline church. V: KROUPA, Jiří (ed.), ŠEFERISOVÁ LOUDOVÁ, Michaela (ed.), KONEČNÝ, Lubomír (ed.). Orbis artium : k jubileu Lubomíra Slavíčka, (Spisy Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Filozofická fakulta, št. 382). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita. 2009, pp. 175-181.
- "Insignis pictor Austriacus": zur Erforschung der barocken Deckenmalerei in der Steiermark. V: MÁDL, Martin (ed.). Baroque ceiling painting in Central Europe = Barocke Deckenmalerei in Mitteleuropa: proceedings of the international conference, Brno, Prague, 27th of September-1st of October, 2005. Praha 2007, pp. 15-25.
- Antonio Maderni (1660-1702): je bil pozabljeni Weissenkircherjev zet iz Capolaga prvi Attemsov freskant?. V: MUROVEC, Barbara (ed.). Slovenska umetnost in njen evropski kontekst : izbrane razprave 1, (Elektronske izdaje Umetnostnozgodovinskega inštituta Franceta Steleta). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2007, pp. 114-122, ilustr.
- With Matej Klemenčič. Almanach, painting in the second half of the 17th century in Carniola and the state of art historical research. V: MUROVEC, Barbara (ed.), KLEMENČIČ, Matej (ed.), BREŠČAK, Mateja (ed.). Almanach and painting in the second half of the 17th century in Carniola. Revised ed. of the Slovenian publication. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU: = ZRC Publishing, ZRC SAZU: France Stele Institute of Art History, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts: National Gallery of Slovenia. 2006, pp. 11-22.
- Paintings: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Taste. V: MUROVEC, Barbara (ed.), KLEMENČIČ, Matej (ed.), BREŠČAK, Mateja (ed.). Almanach and painting in the second half of the 17th century in Carniola. Revised ed. of the Slovenian publication. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU: = ZRC Publishing, ZRC SAZU: France Stele Institute of Art History, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts: National Gallery of Slovenia. 2006, pp. 189-194.
- Baročna poslikava župnijske cerkve sv. Štefana v Vipavi. V: ŠERBELJ, Ferdinand (ed.). Barok na Goriškem = Il barocco nel Goriziano. Nova Gorica: Goriški muzej, Grad Kromberk; Ljubljana: Narodna galerija. 2006, pp. 449-460.
- Barocke Deckenmalerei in Slowenien und ihre Beziehungen zu Süddeutschland. V: HÖFLER, Janez (ed.), BÜTTNER, Frank (ed.). Bayern und Slowenien im Zeitalter des Barock : Architektur, Skulptur, Malerei. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner. cop. 2006, pp. 133-143.
- Graphische Darstellungen der Geschichte Jasons im Lichte der Herausgeber- und Sammeltätigkeit Johann Weichard Valvasors. V: KOKOLE, Metoda (ed.), et al. Mediterranean myths from classical antiquity to the eighteenth century = Mediteranski miti od antike do 18. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2006, pp. 259-276.
- Raziskovanje baročnega stropnega slikarstva na Slovenskem. V: MUROVEC, Barbara (ed.). Vis imaginis : baročno slikarstvo in grafika : jubilejni zbornik za Anico Cevc = Festschrift Anica Cevc. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2006, pp. 99-116.
- With Matej Klemenčič. Almanach, slikarstvo druge polovice 17. stoletja na Kranjskem in stanje umetnostnozgodovinskih raziskav. V: MUROVEC, Barbara (ed.), BREŠČAK, Mateja (ed.), KLEMENČIČ, Matej (ed.). Almanach in slikarstvo druge polovice 17. stoletja na Kranjskem. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2005, pp. 9-20.
- Poslikava velike dvorane v dvorcu Dornava. V: CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta (ed.). Dornava : Vrišerjev zbornik : [tematska publikacija Zbornika za umetnostno zgodovino]. Ljubljana: Slovensko umetnostnozgodovinsko društvo, Filozofska fakulteta. 2003, pp. 250-282.
- Cerkev sv. Lenarta in kapela Božjega groba. V: DOLINAR, France M., ŠKOFLJANEC, Jože. Župnija Sv. Lovrenca v Brežicah : ob 220-letnici župnijske cerkve, (Brežiške študije, 1). Brežice: Župnijski urad. 2003, pp. 179-186.
- Galerija slik v ljubljanskem uršulinskem samostanu. V: KOGOJ, Marija Jasna (ed.). Tristo let ljubljanskih uršulink: zgodovina samostana, njegovih šol in kulturnih dejavnosti. Ljubljana 2002, pp. 267-276.
- Čaščenje vina skozi posnemanje: Bakhanal v gradu Borl. V: KLEMENC, Alenka (ed.). "Hodil po zemlji sem naši ---": Marijanu Zadnikarju ob osemdesetletnici = Festschrift Marijan Zadnikar. Ljubljana 2001, pp. 375-381.
- Zbirka slik v frančiškanskem samostanu v Ljubljani. V: BROLIH, Polikarp, KRAJNC, Silvin. Frančiškani v Ljubljani: samostan, cerkev in župnija Marijinega oznanjenja. Ljubljana 2000, pp. 347-373.
- Wagingerjeva Alegorija petih čutov v gradu Brežice. V: KLEMENC, Alenka (ed.). Vita artis perennis: ob osemdesetletnici akademika Emilijana Cevca = Festschrift Emilijan Cevc. Ljubljana 2000, pp. 403-408.
Professional monograph
[Stand: Juni 2020]
- KOKOLE, Metoda, KOKOLE, Stanko, MUROVEC, Barbara. Imago musicae : glasba na baročnih poslikavah brežiškega gradu. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2016. 80 pp.