Elizabeth J. Petcu
Stipendiatin der Samuel H. Kress Foundation, von September 2013 bis August 2015
Stipendiatin der Fulbright Kommission, von September 2012 bis Juli 2013
- Major Grants/Fellowships: Stipendiatin der Samuel H. Kress Foundation (01.09.2013-31.08.2015), Fulbright Full Research Grant (17.09.2012-31.07.2013 am ZI), Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Graduate Scholarship (declined), Hyde Academic Year Research Fellowship (declined), Frances Mary Hazen Fellowship, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies Fellowship, Louise Fitz-Randolph Fellowship
- Januar 2011 | Princeton University, M.A. Art & Archaeology
- Mai 2008 | Mount Holyoke College, B.A. (magna cum laude) Art History (with highest honors)
[Stand: September 2013]
- "Anthropomorphizing the Orders: ‘Terms’ of Architectural Eloquence in the Northern Renaissance", in: The Anthropomorphic Lens: Anthropomorphism, Microcosm, and Analogy in Early Modern Thought and Visual Arts. Edited by Walter Melion, Bret Rothstein, and Michel Weemans. (Leiden: Brill, 2014). [Forthcoming].
- "‘A particularly artful artificio’: Staging Wonder in the Great Hall of Stuttgart’s New Lusthaus.", in: Parallel Inquiries: Art and Visual Culture in Early Modern Central Europe: Proceedings of the International Conference, Brno, 25 March 2012, edited by Ondřej Jakubec. (Brno: Barrister & Principal 2014). [Forthcoming].
- Was war Renaissance? Bilder einer Erzählform von Vasari bis Panofsky. Edited by Hans Christian Hönes, Léa Kuhn, Elizabeth J. Petcu, and Susanne Thürigen. (Passau: Dietmar Klinger Verlag, 2013). Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, shown at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, April-June 2013.
- "Drawings by Karel Škréta the Elder and His Circle in North America.", in: Karel Škréta (1610-1674): Dílo a Doba. Studie, Dokumenty, Prameny /Karel Škréta (1610-1674): His Era and His Work. Studies, Documents, Sources. Proceedings of the International Conference, Prague, 29-31 March 2011, edited by Lenka Stolárová and Kateřina Holečková. Prague: Národní Galerie, 2013. [With Sarah W. Lynch].
- "Review: Esther Gordon Dotson and Mark Richard Ashton. J.B. Fischer von Erlach: Architecture as Theater in the Baroque Era." Architectural Histories 1, no. 1, article 4 (2013). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ah.af.
- "Exhibition Catalogue Review: Lenka Stolárová – Vít Vlnas (eds) Karel Škréta (1610-1674). Doba a dílo / Karel Škréta (1610-1674): His Work and His Era", in: Umění / Art LIX, no. 5/6 (2011): 439-442. [with Sarah W. Lynch].