Prof. Dr. Jacek Purchla
Stipendiat der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Juni bis September 1997 sowie März bis Juni 2005
- Since 2001 | Head of the Centre of European Heritage, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- Since 1991 | Director of the International Cultural Centre, Kraków
- 1990-1991 | Deputy mayor of the city of Kraków
- Since 1976 | Head of Department of Economic and Social History and UNESCO Chair for Heritage and Urban Studies at the Krakow University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
[Stand: 2001]
Research and Teaching Interests
Architecture of the 19th and 20th century, urban development, social history and art history of the 19th and 20th centuries, theory and protection of cultural heritage, managing historical sites and cities, economics in culture.
- Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Member of the Art Studies Committee at the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Vice-president of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO
- European Commission Expert of the European Heritage Label
- Member of Europa Nostra Council in The Hague
- Member of the Advisory Council of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures
Obtained Grants, Fellowships and Prizes
- 1991: Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Programme
- 1992-1993: Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
- 1995: Fellowship: University of Leuven
- 1995: Fellowship: Salzburg Seminar
- 1996: Fellowship: University of Heidelberg
- 1997: Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
- 2000: Fellowship: Salzburg Seminar
- 2003: Fellowship: Australian Institute for Polish Affairs
- 2004: Fellowship: British Council
- 2005: Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
- 2011: Aleksander Gieysztor Award
- 2011: Mitteleuropapreis
Selected Publications (2004 – 2014)
- Dziedzictwo kulturowe a kapitał społeczny, [in:] Dlaczego i jak w nowoczesny sposób chronić dziedzictwo kulturowe. Materiały pokonferencyjne. Rottermund Andrzej [ed.], Warszawa 2014, pp. 21-30.
- The Metropolitan functions of Krakow, [in:] 35 Years on the UNESCO List. Materials from a session entitled: Heritage and Challenges of the Present. 35 Years of Kraków and the Wieliczka Salt Mine on the UNESCO World Heritage List, September 5-6 2013, pp. 73-82.
- W stronę systemu ochrony dziedzictwa – dylematy polskiej transformacji [in:] Polska początku XXI wieku: przemiany kulturowe i cywilizacyjne, Frysztacki Krzysztof and Sztompka Piotr [eds.], Warszawa 2012, pp. 247-261.
- Das Vermächtnis der Stadtgründung Krakaus, [in:] Tür an Tür. Polen – Deutschland 1000 Jahre Kunst und Geschichte, Omilanowska Małgorzata [Hrsg.], pp. 168-173.
- Towards a System of Heritage Preservation in Poland, [in:] Protecting and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage. Systems of Management of Cultural Heritage in the Visegrad Countries, Purchla Jacek [ed.]. Kraków 2011, pp. 223-246.
- Problematyka badań nad dziejami Krakowa i Lwowa w XIX wieku z perspektywy ostatniego dwudziestolecia. Refleksja urbanologiczna, [in:] Galicja 1772-1918. Problemy metodologiczne, stan i potrzeby badań, Kawalec Agnieszka, Wierzbieniec Wacław, Zaszkliniak Leonid [eds.]. Vol.1. Rzeszów 2011, pp. 200-212.
- Krakau Mitten in Europa. Olszanica-Kraków 2008.
- Heritage – a Burden or an Opportunity? Current Dilemmas of Krakow’s Growth,[in:] Perspectives on Impact, Technology and Strategic Management, McLoughlin J., Kaminski J., Sodagar B. [eds.], Heritage Management Seriepp. V.1. Budapest 2007, pp. 58-65.
- Heritage and Transformation, Kraków 2005.
- Hubert Ritter i hitlerowskie wizje Krakowa. Rocznik Krakowski. Vol.71: 2005, pp.159-187.
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