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Kaila Howell, M.A.

Kress Two-Year Institutional Fellow in the History of Art | September 2022–Juli 2024

Zimmer: 143

Telefon: +49 (0)89-289-27590
Abteilung/en: Forschung
Gruppe/n: Fellows


  • Ph.D., Harvard University (in progress)
    Dissertation: Color and Bildung in Philipp Otto Runge's Artistic-Theoretical Project
    Primary Advisor: Joseph Koerner
  • B.A., University of California, Berkeley
    Rhetoric, Comparative Literature, French Language and Literature
    magna cum laude, honors in each major

Selected Awards:

DAAD One-Year Research Grant
DAAD Six-Month Research Grant
Writing Fellowship, Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf
International Scholarship, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Jens Aubrey Westengard Grant, Harvard University
Arthur Kingsley Porter Fellowship, Harvard University
Summer Research Grant, Harvard University
Award for Most Outstanding Honors Thesis, UC Berkeley
Phi Beta Kappa, UC Berkeley