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Pierre Tchekhoff, M.A.

Panofsky Fellow 2024 | Juni–August 2024

Abteilung/en: Forschung
Gruppe/n: Fellows


Pierre Tchekhoff is a Phd student in Art History from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University working under the supervision of Professor Philippe Morel. His research is focused on learned magic and witchcraft iconography in Early Modern Art, with a special interest for 16th to 17th century Italian and Flemish art. Since 2018, he has conducted lectures and given courses to undergraduates such as “Sin, monsters and capricci in Renaissance art” and “Tools and techne in Art History, from frescoes to CGI”. His latest soon-to-be published article focuses on the pictural interpretation of the shadow of Samuel as part of a collective work edited by Brepols Edition, titled “Enfanter et prendre corps. Physique de l’Incarnation dans l’art italien de la Renaissance” and planned for publication by the end of 2024.