Prof. Dr. Susan Maxwell
Stipendiatin des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes am ZI, März - April 2022 | Stipendiatin des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes am ZI, 1999 - 2001
- 2002 | Ph.D. University of Virginia, Renaissance and Baroque Art History
- 1997 | M.A. University of Virginia, Renaissance and Baroque Art History
- 1984 | B.A. cum laude, Mary Washington University, Double Major European History and German
Select Publications
- "Maximilian I of Bavaria." In Bellum et Artes - The Thirty Years' War and the Arts. Art, War, and Diplomacy in Central Europe between 1600 and 1650. Leibnitz Institute GWZO, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, National Gallery Prague, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, 2021
- "Artful Negotiator: Peter Paul Rubens' Intervention in the Cause of Catholic Bavaria." Rethinking Europe. War and Peace in Early Modern German Lands. Eds. Gerhild Scholz Williams, Sigrun Haude and Christian Schneider. Brill: Chloe Volume 48, 2019
- "Lazy Foreigners and Indignant Locals: Influence and Rivalry in Bavarian Court Patronage." In
The Artist Between Court and City - L'Artiste Entre le Cour et la Ville - Der Künstler zwischen
Hof und Stadt (1300-1600), Eds. Dagmar Eichberger and Philip Lorentz. Petersberg: Michael
Imhoff Verlag, 2017 - “Every Living Beast: Collecting Animals in Early Modern Munich.” In Animals and Early Modern Identity, edited by Pia Cuneo, University of Arizona. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2014
- The Court Art of Friedrich Sustris: Patronage in Late Renaissance Bavaria, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011
- “The Pursuit of Art and Pleasure in the Secret Grotto of Wilhelm V of Bavaria,” Renaissance Quarterly 61:2 Summer (2008): 414-462
Recent Conference Papers
- "Art and Politics in the Kammergallerie of Prince Elector Maximilian I of Bavaria" in "Curating the Past: Art and Collecting in Early Modern Prague, Munich, and Ambras" (Organizer). Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Dublin, upcoming March 2022
- The 1632 Swedish Occupation of Munich and the Pursuit of the Wittelsbach Kunstkammer." Studientag Münchener Residenz in der Renaissance, LMU, February 2021
- "Accounting for Color: Artists' Pigments in Sixteenth Century Ducal Inventories" Invited paper in Count Palatine Ottheinrich’s schreibstüblein 1557. On the Early History of the German Kunst- und Wunderkammer. German Palatine Society for the Advancement of the Sciences, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, October 2020 - postponed to 2022
- "Strategic Plundering in the Thirty Years War under Maximilian I of Bavaria." Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, St. Louis, October 2019
- "Natural History and History Painting in Peter Paul Rubens' Hippopotamus Hunt." Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Albuquerque, November 2018
- "Artful Negotiator: Peter Paul Rubens in the Cause of Peace." in Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands, Eighth International Conference Frühe Neuzeit Interdisziplinär, St. Louis, March 2018
- "Flanders Ascendant? The Shift to the North in Ducal Patronage of Early Modern Bavaria" in Batavia in Bavaria. Niederländische und flämische Kunst und Künstler in Süddeutschland. Arbeitskreis Niederländische Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, Munich, October 2017
- Chair and Organizer, "Art and the Thirty Years' War." Double panel. Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2017
- "The Munich Kunstkammer: a ‘museum non solum rarum, sed unicum in tota Europa.'" Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Boston, March 2016
Select Awards and Grants
- 2013 | DAAD Research Fellow, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
- 2021-22 | University of Wisconsin Full Academic-Year Sabbatical Grant
- 2013 | DAAD Research Fellow, Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
- 2012 | Honorary Fellowship, Historisches Kolleg, Munich
- 2003 | J. Paul Getty Museum Library Research Grant, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
- 1999-2000 | DAAD, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte & Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich
- 1984-1985 | Fulbright Scholarship, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich