Tagung: Die Großen Deutschen Kunstausstellungen 1937-1944/45
21.10.2011 um 19:15
Die Großen Deutschen Kunstausstellungen 1937-1944/45. Internationale Tagung zur Freischaltung der Forschungsplattform „GDK Research“
Ausführliche Informationen zur Tagung
Ph. D. Keith Holz
Ph.D., Northwestern University, Associate Professor of Art History, Western Illinois University – Macomb, is recipient of fellowships from the Getty Center, IREX, the Fulbright, and DAAD. His publications examine public representations of modern German art during the Nazi years in the democracies. His new research addresses the roles of visual art in German foreign relations 1914–1950, and includes Placing Kokoschka, Kokoschka and Place. Publications include: Modern German Art for Thirties Paris, Prague, and London (2004); ‘The Politics of Mobility and Mutilation in Kokoschka’s Exile Years (1934-1949)’, in “Spur im Treibsand” – Oskar Kokoschka neu gesehen, ed. Régine Bonnefoit (Petersberg, Imhof, 2010).