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Renaissance der Renaissance. Die Malerei des Quattrocento in Florenz / Vortrag Jill Burke



von 18:15 bis 20:30




Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, München, Vortragssaal 242, II. OG

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Florentine Renaissance Life Drawing. Homoeroticism, Philosophy, and Time


Florentine artists’ workshops of the second half of the fifteenth century saw the beginnings of new practices of drawing after the naked model that was to have profound influences on artistic training over the next half-millennium. Focussing on drawings by artists such as Maso Finiguerra, Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Botticelli and Filippino Lippi, this lecture links these artistic practices with broader intellectual currents in Florence, particularly Marsilio Ficino’s translation and commentaries on Plato’s Symposium. Perhaps these drawings should be conceptually framed within a rhetoric of male love and desire for the beauty of youthful masculine bodies?  I suggest that the role of the models (often assumed to be workshop boys) has been misunderstood, and consider how these drawings mediate often complex relationships between individual identity and ideal beauty; erotic and divine desire; timelessness and the “freeze frame”.

 Gemalter Kopf eines jungen Mannes mit lockigen, braunen Haaren unter einer roten Müte. Er trägt eine silberne, verspiegelte Sonnenbrille. In der Spiegelung der Gläser sieht man die Stadtansicht von Florenz.

Jill Burke is a leading international expert in Italian Renaissance Art. Her groundbreaking and politically-engaged research seeks to reformulate the understanding of the representation of the body in Italian (and wider European) early modern culture, c. 1400-1600. Having finished her monograph on the Italian Renaissance Nude, she is now considering how images of nudes affected the way people understood the health and beauty of their own and others' bodies. She is working with a  group of international scholars turning their focus to the surfaces of the body and has recently started publishing in this area.

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Vortragsreihe Renaissance der Renaissance. Die Malerei des Quattrocento in Florenz, einem Veranstaltungszyklus des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in Kooperation mit der Alten Pinakothek, München und deren Ausstellung „Florenz und seine Maler: von Giotto bis Leonardo da Vinci“.


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