Workshop mit Maximilian Schich und Juyong Park
von 14:00 bis 16:00
“Quantitative Aesthetics – Critical & Creative”
Workshop mit Maximilian Schich (U Dallas) und Juyong Park (KAIST, Korea)
Within this workshop the two speakers Maximilian Schich and Juyong Park present their respectively very similar institutions and modes of work, which will likely lead to a lively discussion. Both of their institutions share a similar technical profile and an embedding in a young yet highly ranked university (“top 100 under 50”). The mode of work, common to Schich and Park, combines quantification and creative aesthetics within a process of critical aesthetics, applied to art history and other areas. Typical aims are scientific journal articles written in co-authorship targeting a broad multidisciplinary audience. Characteristic means of communication, besides text and illustration of examples, include scientific figures, quantitative measurement, and mathematical models. Sometimes the result is also art.