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Festvortrag Wolfgang-Ratjen-Preis 2019 // Jonathan Bober: Genoese Baroque Drawing: Issues in Connoisseurship



von 18:30 bis 20:30


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG, Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10, 80333 München

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Aus Anlass der Vergabe des Wolfgang-Ratjen-Preises 2019 an Fabienne Ruppen, Frankfurt a.M., für ihre Dissertation "Der fragmentierte Cézanne. Zur Rekonstruktion von Skizzenbüchern und losen Blättern".

Genoese draftsmanship during the school’s “golden age,” from around 1600 and the visits of Rubens, through the second quarter of the eighteenth century and the activity of Alessandro Magnasco, is one of the high achievements of Baroque style. It is incomparably rich in both the geographic range of its sources—Tuscan and Lombard but also Netherlandish traditions—and the chronological implications of its syntheses, harking to mannerism as much as predicting (and informing) the most advanced currents of the eighteenth century art. More than those of any other Italian school, Genoese drawings tend toward elaborate technique, pictorial equivalence, and function as autonomous works of art. As a medium, they evidently enjoyed their own fantastic success. By the same token, they pose special problems of differentiation and attribution. This lecture will consider these issues in relation to the work of several leading masters.

Vortrag_BoberDr. Jonathan Bober is Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Abbildungsnachweis: Luca Cambiaso, Genoa, 1527 – El Escorial, 1585, A Standing Sibyl with a Scroll, mid-1550s, pen and brown ink on laid paper, 368 × 235 mm (14 1/2 × 9 1/4 in.), National Gallery of Art, Washington, Purchased as the Gift of Joan and David Maxwell, 2016.75.1