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Online-Vortrag // Antoine Lilti: Private Lives, Public Figures: The Invention of Celebrity in the Eighteenth Century



von 18:30 bis 19:30

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Der Vortrag ist Teil der Online-Vortragsreihe // Berühmte Gesichter. Porträts im Plural in der Neuzeit.

During the second half of the eighteenth century, a new form of public recognition emerged, „celebrity“, which was different from the traditional glory of rulers and great men. Famous writers, socialites and politicians became public figures and their private lives were now scrutinized. Visual arts played an important part in this story, as portraits became commodities.

Gemälde. Ein Mann zeiht sich in einem hohen Raum vor einer anderen Person aus, die am Schreibtisch sitzt.

Antoine Lilti is Professor of History at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris. He was the editor of Annales HSS from 2006 to 2011. He has published recently: The Word of the Salons, Sociability and Worldliness (Oxford University Press, 2015), The Invention of Celebrity (Polity, 2017) and L’héritage des Lumières: Ambivalences de la modernity (EHESS/Gallimard/Seuil, 2019).
[Caption: Jean Huber: Voltaire à son lever à Ferney, dictant à son secrétaire Collini, around 1772, oil on canvas, 37,5 x 31 cm, Musée Carnavalet, Paris, Inv. Nr. P168]


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