Online-Vortrag // Adrian Daub: Narrating the Suburbs - Von den Suburbs Erzählen
The view of the suburbs in international postwar literature was largely one of un-narratability. There was something in these structures that resisted a certain kind of literariness. What was narratable, for instance for Joseph Heller, Richard Yates, or (in a science-fiction context) Philipp K. Dick, was the escape from the suburbs, and often enough the failure to escape. At the same time there is of course a surfeit of stories about the suburbs to the extent that savvy film or TV audiences cannot really be shown a peaceful cul-de-sac somewhere in California without assuming that behind the picket fences and well-tended lawns lurk dark secrets and repressed desires. What both of these approaches have in common is an inability to grapple with suburban space in its facticity. This lecture draws on literature, film and music, charting California’s suburban geography from the earliest suburban developmentsto the effects of the financial crisis — on the suburbs, their architecture and the stories we tell about both.
Adrian Daub is Professor of German Studies and Comparative Literature at Stanford University where he directs the Clayman Institute for Gender Research. He is the author of four academic books, and writes articles for the Guardian, the New Republic, the Frankfurter Allgemeine and others. His book What Tech Calls Thinking will be published from Farrar, Straus and Giroux in October, the German edition Was das Valley Denken nennt will appear in the edition suhrkamp in the fall.
Der Vortrag ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe “California Dreaming: Utopia, Dystopia” des Lehrstuhls Theorie und Geschichte für Architektur, Kunst und Design der Technischen Universität München und des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte.
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