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ABGESAGT | Vortrag // James Delbourgo: How to Murder Your Tortoise, or the Dark Side of Collecting



von 18:30 bis 19:30


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG

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This talk explores the dark side of collecting. In 2018, the World Health Organization classified Hoarding Disorder – or "extreme collecting" – as a global phenomenon. Enter the hoarder: an addict whose urge to accumulate verges on insanity. Yet the hoarder is only the latest incarnation of a figure who recurs throughout history: the obsessive collector driven not by sublime reason but a dangerous passion. Who are the mad collectors that came before the hoarder and what is the nature of their madness?

James Delbourgo is Professor of History at Rutgers University. He researches the history of science, collecting and museums and the history of the Atlantic World. He is currently working on several projects including The Knowing World, a new global approach to the history of science; The Dark Side of Collecting, on collectors across a range of fields, periods and disciplines; and Divers Things on the cultural history of underwater exploration, the body and swimming.

Abendvortrag im Rahmen der Tagung // Künstlersammlungen. Objekte – Ordnungen – Programmatiken
