Workshop // Drawing as Epistemic Tool in the Practice of Art History
von 13:00 bis 18:30
Workshop // Drawing as Epistemic Tool in the Practice of Art History
Many of the most recognized art historians of the last two centuries have drawn to study art in all its forms. Burckhardt, Morelli, Cavalcaselle, Justi, Wölfflin, Warburg, Baltrušaitis, Schapiro, Steinberg, Damisch all used the graphic instrument to see, understand and explain painting, architecture or sculpture. The purpose of this workshop is to evaluate how drawing can contribute to the emergence, production and transmission of a specific knowledge about artistic objects. In this perspective, a special attention will be devoted to the epistemic potentials of the graphic tool.
13:30 Opening lecture
Jérémie Koering // Drawn Art History. Just a sketch
Susanne Müller-Bechtel // Der Zeichenstift folgt dem Auge. Zur Forschungspraxis von G. B. Cavalcaselle
Michela Passini // Louis Dimier dessine. Anthropologie d’une pratique savante
15:30-15:45 discussion
15:00-16:15 break
Kerstin Thomas // Aktualität und Potentialität. Die aneignende Zeichnung als Aufzeichnungsmittel expressiver Bildformen
Annamaria Ducci // Comprendre la stylistique par le croquis. Jurgis Baltrusaitis et l’étude de l’art médiéval
17:15-17:30 discussion
17:30-17:45 break
Matteo Burioni // Leo’s Lines. Steinberg and Architecture
Tamar Mayer // Notes of a traveler – between writing and sketching in the notebooks of Moshe Barasch
18:45-19:00 discussion
The workshop precedes the exhibition "Drawn Art History: Art Historian’s Drawings as Epistemic Tool" in 2021.