ABGESAGT: Workshop mit Charlotte Guichard // Watteau and the New World
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Diskussion mit der Panofsky-Professorin Charlotte Guichard zur Panofsky Lecture 2020.
Panofsky Lecture 2020, 27. Mai 2020:
What were the early visions of Empire in Regency France? From the Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera (1717) by Jean-Antoine Watteau, exhibited at the time of French colonial expansion in Louisiana, to frescoes and engravings that circulated around 1720, my talk will question the formation of idealised representations of colonisation conveyed by the visual languages of galanterie and commerce. As celebrations of ‘doux commerce’, these representations created a mirage that was countered by other images proposing a cruder vision of colonial expansion, to denounce violence and the appropriation of natural resources.
Mapping these conflicting visions of the colonies in Regency France reveals the construction of a visual imagery of French Empire, and also the contrasting values attached to images and art in those years. This matrix had a lasting impact on Enlightenment artists, with images and art being considered as sites of seduction and illusion, of domination, and of contestation.
Abbildungsnachweis: Nicolas Charles Silvestre after François Le Moyne, Project for a ceiling at the Gallery of the Banque Royale (detail), 1728