Kolloquium // Bertel Thorvaldsen: Friendship and Social Networks in Europe around 1800
von 10:00 bis 14:30
10.00 am Welcome and introduction // Kristine Bøggild Johannsen/Jane Fejfer/Ulrich Pfisterer/Rolf M. Schneider
Moderation // Kristine Bøggild Johannsen
Stig Miss, Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen // Knudtzon, Thorvaldsen and reasons for selling a frieze
Malcolm Baker, University of California, Riverside, CA // An Exceptional Case: Sir Francis Chantrey and vicarious artistic friendships beyond Rome
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Moderation // Ulrich Pfisterer
Astrid Fendt, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, München // Thorvaldsen's connections to Munich: (artist) friends and clients
Tabea Schindler, SIK-ISEA, Zürich/ Universität Bern // Swiss Connections: Thorvaldsen’s Friendship with Heinrich Keller
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12.30 am - break -
1.00 pm Moderation // Jane Fejfer
Tomas Macsotay, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona // Paper and the system of attachments between artists and art lovers
Andreas Plackinger, Universität Freiburg i.Br. // Philippe-Laurent Roland als Antwort auf Thorvaldsen und Canova: Zur Konstruktion einer französischen Bildhauerschule um 1800
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In cooperation with: Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen / Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen / Royal Danish Embassy in Berlin
On site: Registration is requested: thorvaldsen@zikg.eu.
Please note that if you are attending on-site for this event, the 2G rule applies. Please have the relevant documents prepared.
Online participation: The colloquium will also be digitally transmitted via Zoom. You can join the Zoom meeting at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85659345839?pwd=UmFZYU0xN1NxMGJ1MjlQM054NXgvZz09. Meeting ID: 856 5934 5839 | Password: 148258.
We would like to inform you that during the event, filming will take place in the lecture hall and will be broadcasted live in the Zoom meeting.