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Vortrag // Peter M. Lukehart: By Honor or by Merit: Women in the Accademia di San Luca, 1600-1700



von 18:00 bis 20:00


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG und digital

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The recent spate of monographs and exhibitions dedicated to individual women artists living in Rome – such as Plautilla Bricci, Lavinia Fontana, Giovanna Garzoni, and Artemisia Gentileschi – and the concomitant appearance of collective surveys – such as Donne che dipingono: intinerari romani (2013) – and exhibitions – such as By Her Hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500–1800 (Hartford and Detroit, 2021– 2022) – together provide an apt moment to reassess the roles that women played within the Accademia di San Luca.  These publications have shed welcome light on the lives and works of women artists in a manner that would hearten Linda Nochlin on the fiftieth anniversary of her landmark publication, “Why Have There Been No Important Women Artists?” Yet the raising of profiles has been accompanied by the raising of expectations about how deeply involved women were in the educational, administrative, confraternal, and social life of the artists’ academy in Rome.  Using documentary and other primary materials, this talk will address contested ideas about the divergent levels of participation and membership that existed for academicians of either gender throughout the long seventeenth century.   

Monumentale Denkmalplatte

Peter M. Lukehart is Associate Dean at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art (2001-present) in Washington, DC.  Previously he served as Associate Professor and as Director of The Trout Gallery at Dickinson College (1992-2001) in Pennsylvania.  He has also held positions as visiting assistant professor at George Mason University (1988-1990) and assistant curator of Italian Baroque Painting at the National Gallery of Art (1990-1992).  Lukehart has a longstanding interest in the education and incorporation of artists in guilds and academies during the early modern period.  His publications on this subject include contributions to the exhibition catalogue Taddeo and Federico Zuccaro: Artist-Brothers in Renaissance Rome (J. Paul Getty Museum, 2007) and to The Artist’s Workshop, published under his editorship in the Studies in the History of Art series at the National Gallery of Art (1993). He also served as editor of and contributor to the Accademia Seminars (2009). Most recently, he contributed an essay “A Brief History of the Accademia di San Luca” to Raphael and His Followers: Masterpieces from the Accademia di San Luca,exh. cat., ed. Luigi Strinati (Beijing: Shi Dai Hua Wen, 2021).  He is director of the online research database entitled “The History of the Accademia di San Luca, c. 1590-1635: Documents from the Archivio di Stato di Roma” (, a collaborative project between the National Gallery of Art, the Archivio di Stato di Roma, and the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca. In 2021, Lukehart was elected Accademico Benemerito, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca.  From  2017-2021 he was a member of the Board of Directors of CAA, serving as Treasurer  (2017-2018), and as Vice-President for Publications (2019-2021).



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