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Current Research. Lektüreseminar am ZI // Mit Luca Siracusano: Stucco statues in Venetian churches: Two asterisks for Iacopo Sansovino and Bartolomeo Ammannati



von 14:15 bis 15:45


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, München, Vortragssaal 242, II. OG

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Slightly before Giovanni da Udine’s work on Palazzo Grimani in Venice, stucco made its appearance in the Veneto area in Padua, on building projects supervised by Gian Maria Falconetto. The plasterers busy on the Falconetti building sites were part of Iacopo Sansovino’s closest circle. Out of this substance, after all, Tatti knew a practical formula «for making figures and etiam impressing». In this way, stucco was clearly seen as a material that had been released from its rôle in architectural decoration, and could be used for both statues and to make models, cast or not, which could find a place both in the artist’s workshop and in the homes of collectors. The Sixteenth–century busts belonging to Marco Mantova Benavides are taken as a case study, along with the statue on the monument to the very same jurist, in the church of the Eremitani in Padua, and the Madonna with the Child Jesus in the church of Santa Maria Mater Domini in Venice.

Bartolomeo Ammannati, Marco Mantova Benavides, ca. 1546, Stuck, Padua, Chiesa degli Eremitani, Skulptur eines Mannes (Foto)
Luca Siracusano is Associate Professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Teramo, Italy. He graduated (2008) and was awarded his PhD (2014) from the University of Trento. His main research interest is Italian sculpture in the Early Modern Era, with a special focus on Venice and the Veneto. He published two books, titled "Agostino Zoppo" (2017) and "L’epistolario di Cristoforo Madruzzo come fonte per la storia dell’arte. Con un’appendice di documenti dal Notarile di Roma" (2018). He was a fellow of the Fondazione Roberto Longhi di Firenze (2009/2010; 2010/2011) and of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini di Venezia (2016/2017).
[Caption: Bartolomeo Ammannati, Marco Mantova Benavides, ca. 1546, Stuck, Padua, Chiesa degli Eremitani]

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