Vortrag // Denis Ribouillault, Montréal: Gardens and their Sundials in the Early Modern Period: Two Italian Case Studies
von 18:15 bis 19:30
This lecture examines the presence and function of sundials in early modern gardens, a surprisingly new topic for garden history. The role of these mathematical objects in the garden is examined in relation to other elements of the garden and the villa that thematize the links between heaven and earth. Two case studies are examined: Villa Madama in Rome and Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola. Denis Ribouillault is Professor of Art History at the Université de Montréal. He is the author of Sacred Landscape. Landscape as Exegesis in Early Modern Europe (with Michel Weemans, 2011); Rome en ses jardins. Paysage et pouvoir au XVIe s. (2013); De la peinture au jardin (with Hervé Brunon, 2016); Gardening (a special issue of Intermediality) (2020) and The Villa Barbaro at Maser. Science, Philosophy, and the Family in Venetian Renaissance Art (2023). Forthcoming books are Gardens and Academies in Early Modern Italy and Beyond (Brill) and Gardens of the Heaven. Astronomy and Cosmology in Early Modern European Gardens (Brepols).
[Caption: Giovanni Battisti Di Bianchi, A Personification of the Hours Bearing a Polyhedral Sundial, ca. 1572-1573, stone, Caprarola, Villa Farnese, Photo: Denis Ribouillault]
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