Current Research // Lektüreseminar am ZI mit Joseph Imorde: Empathy with the Unknown: Reproducing "World Art" after 1900
von 14:00 bis 16:00
Das Lektüreseminar diskutiert jüngst publizierte Arbeiten oder aber weitgehend abgeschlossene Manuskripte. Die Texte werden im Voraus an die Teilnehmenden verschickt und dann gemeinsam mit den Autorinnen und Autoren diskutiert.
Despite the so-called global turn in art history and the opening to a more multi-disciplinary approach, present encounters between art history and one of its neighboring discipline, anthropology, have been sparse, and past ones have been under-investigated. This is the observation that opens the volume Art History and Anthropology: Modern Encounters, 1870–1970 (Los Angeles, 2023).
The goal of the book is, then, to retrace the historical contacts between art history and anthropology in those fundamental decades which saw the institutionalization of both disciplines and the development of some of their most fertile stances. Not unlikely the numerous publications on world art studies as an historical concept, Art History and Anthropology aims at addressing some of the historical precedents of the current state of the discipline.
Joseph Imorde’s essay, Empathy with the Unknown: Reproducing "World Art" after 1900, addresses both the difficulty of institutionalized art history to grant access to non-Western objects and the same time the proliferation of publications meant for the wider public that involved those objects and their enthralling formal qualities. In a survey that comprises both media history, stylistic analysis, and psychology, Imorde traces back one of the original points of convergence between art history and anthropology, discussing its methodology and validity.
Joseph Imorde studied art history, philosophy and musicology in Bochum, Rome and Berlin. After completing his doctorate, he moved to the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture at ETH Zurich. In 2001 he went to the University of Münster as a fellow of the "Kultbild" research group. He was supported by the State of Berlin, the Volkswagen Foundation and the Thyssen Foundation. From 2008 to 2010, Joseph Imorde was a Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and in 2012 and 2017 a scholar at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. In August 2008, he was appointed to the Chair of Art History at the University of Siegen, and in 2021 to the Chair of Art History at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. His research centers on the historiography of art history, archaeology, anthropology, and ethnography.
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Das Seminar findet in englischer Sprache statt.