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Festvortrag Theodor-Fischer-Preis 2024 // Vendula Hnídková, Prag: Housing for a New Social Order: Czechoslovak Urban Visions between Humankind and Social Segregation



von 18:15 bis 20:00


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, München, Vortragssaal 242, II. OG und digital

Termin übernehmen

Aus Anlass der Vergabe des Theodor-Fischer-Preises 2024 an Dr. Adam Przywara, Warschau, für seine Dissertation "The Materiality of Ruins: Rubble, Salvaged Bricks, and Waste Aggregates in the Postwar Socialist Reconstruction of Warsaw", Dr. Katja Schröck, Zürich, für ihre Dissertation "Der Veitsdom in Prag und seine Vollendung: Architektur, Institution, Gesellschaft" und Bettina Nagler, M.A., Halle, für ihre Masterarbeit "Form wie Fauxpas – der Einfluss der Frauenbewegung auf die Architekturproduktion der IBA 87 Berlin am Beispiel des Frauenstadtteilzentrums Schokofabrik und des IBA-Blocks 2 Emanzipatorisches Wohnen" (Sonderpreis)


After WWI, Central Europe needed to respond to the new political landscape in numerous respects. The first Czechoslovak president, T. G. Masaryk, was a true believer in social progress, represented by people devoted to their work that was to transform into a lifelong mission. In 1920, the Masaryk´s Academy of Works was founded in his name, an institution that was dedicated to scientific research. Some of its members were promoters of garden city ideas who regularly participated in the International Federation for Housing and Town Planning. With an up-to-date theoretical background, several housing developments were launched based on the visions of the garden city movement.
The massive garden suburbs programs supported by the state in the 1920s-1930s dramatically reshaped the built environment and had a lasting impact on notions of Czech national identity by creating new idealized forms of middle-class domesticity. Yet after the Great Depression, some of the urban planners radicalized, and urban planning shifted fundamentally from picturesque utopias to belief in ultimate technocratic solutions.
In my talk, I will question what the garden cities tell us about the art historiography in general and the architectural historians´ disciplinary positions in particular. How is historical evidence organized in different narratives, and toward what ends?

Gemalte Postkarte von 1911. Zwei Fraue sitzen auf einem Baum. Eine eingeblendete Landkarte zeigt, dass es sich um eine Szene aus Prag handelt
Dr. Vendula Hnídková is an architectural historian, lecturer, and curator who focuses on modern and contemporary architectural production in Central Europe as framed by questions of national identities, transnationalism, and interrelations between architecture and politics. In 2018–2020, she was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, in 2022, a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Design History, University Brighton. Recently she is based at the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. She is a principal co-investigator of a FWF research project Invisible Agents in Architecture (1908-1938) that examines the policies, priorities, and practices of Ministries of Public Works in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austria and Czechoslovakia.



Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt // The event will be held in English.

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