Workshop // Grace Walsh: “Actio” or Illustration? Embodied Storytelling in the Rodenegg Iwein Cycle
von 12:00 bis 13:00
This presentation constitutes a case study from my dissertation. It analyses the chivalric frescoes in the Trinkstube at Schloss Rodenegg in Südtirol through the lens of embodied performance as a facet of literary dissemination and the culture of hospitality in courtly society in the early thirteenth century. It will also address material from the broader dissertation project by contextualizing the Rodenegg frescoes with other, similar cycles produced for intimate reception spaces in the following century, posing the question: how do these cycles fit into the emerging secular aesthetics and social identities of their historical moment?
[Caption: Iwein at the magic spring, from the Iwein cycle, Schloss Rodenegg, Südtirol, Italy fresco, ca. 1200-1220 (Foto: Walsh)]