Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

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Ordering rare and magazine holdings

Media that have the status "please order" next to the BZI shelfmark in the full display can be ordered by calling up the copy page (link "All items").
From the short display, you can also get to the copy page, but a little faster, by clicking directly on the BZI signature.

Full record:

All the metadata for the chosen title (Person(s), Title, Responsibility, Edition, Publication, Extend of item, Illustration statement, Format, 1. Series title, Holdings, Shelfmark)

Short display:

A quick overview of the most important metadata of a searched title. You can click on it to get further information.

Copy page:

An overview of the chosen title with important metadata (Library, Location, Call No., Barcode, Item status, Note) and the option to order that title

In order to order magazine holdings, it is necessary to log in with the seven-digit user ID, which can be found on the ZI library card, and a password (default: date of birth = DDMMYYYY):

To log in to your account you must fill in the text boxes "User ID" and "Password". You also have to select your library.

After successful login, the following screen will appear, where clicking the "Start order"-button will start the order:

After your login you will recieve some information about the item status. With a click on the button "Start order" you can proceed your order.

Clicking on the "Place Order"-button sends the order to the library:

In the next step you will again get the metadata of your chosen title to doublecheck if everything is ok. With a click on the button "Place order" you can send of your order to the library.

If the ordered item is ready, you will receive a notification by e-mail and it can be picked up at the library entrance for the next seven working days:

  • if ordered before 2 p.m., on the same day from 3 p.m. at the earliest
  • if ordered after 2 p.m., on the next working day after 9 a.m.

If the medium is not picked up within seven days, it will be returned to the stacks.


User account and renewal

The user account can be accessed in the OPAC via "My kubikat". After logging in, you will receive a loan overview:

Under "User Information" you can find your loans, your loan history and hold requests. For further information just click on the number next to each element.

By clicking on the respective numbers, one gets a list of loans, former loans or orders.

In your list of loans you can find all the title that you have currently on loan and the respective metadata (Author, Title, Year, Due date, Location, 2nd Location, Item Description). You can select the indiviidual titles or inspect them further by clicking on the number next to them.

By clicking on the number in front of the title, you will get a full display of the borrowed title, which can be used to renew the borrowed item for a maximum of two months. The renewal can be made at the earliest one day before the expiration of the previously set loan period:

In thefull display you get a detailed view of the loan details for the selected title (Loan date, Due date, Renew, Number of Renewals, Collection, Shelfmark, Description, Item status, Barcode). With a click on "renew" you can extend your loan.

Log out

The kubikat account can be closed by clicking "End session" or closing the browser.

In the header you can find the button "End Session". With a click on it you will automatically log out of your account.