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Caroline O. Fowler // Paper Routes in Early Modern Amsterdam


This book project, Paper Routes in Early Modern Amsterdam, will map the interconnected forces of the early modern world through paper routes, considering how the transfiguration of raw materials into paper prints transformed the genre of landscape and seascape in early-modern artistic practice. Primarily, the book will consist in a close study of the pioneering use of paper and linen supports in the development of the landscape print in seventeenth-century Holland. The emergence of the local, the particular and the ‘national’ in Dutch landscape prints must be seen in the context of the larger global trade networks, which were impacting both the materials of Dutch artists and the emerging markets for their works. Although paper exemplified a new mobility and speed, it also carried the particular characteristics of its local environment and manufacture. Attending to paper as a site of landscape, process, flax, linen and rushing water was integral to the early-modern literature surrounding papermaking. Necessary to examining the rise of Dutch landscape prints is the ground of the paper, which has never been attended to in larger histories of printmaking. Yet by attending to this ground and its particular qualities of felt, hairs, and fiber, it may be seen how Dutch printmakers were engaged at a micro-level with both the impact of their local environments on their production and the ways in which these micro-worlds of felt, fiber and water would carry and impact trade and commerce in distant worlds.
