Since January 2011 the project of a “Critical Catalogue Raisonné of the Furniture and Furniture Designs of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe” is carried out at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. The research project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG).
Intention and content
The research project mainly focuses on the systematic documentation and scientific analysis of the entire source material including original furniture as well as furniture shaped in accordance to Mies’ design patterns. This involves the creation of a formal genealogy and the art historical classification of single drafts. Constructional as well as material requirements of the furniture will be of particular interest. The results will help determining the exact date of origin in several cases and provide clarity concerning the large number of false attributions, incorrect datings and forgeries, which occasionally dominate the history of reception of the furniture of Mies van der Rohe.
To ensure the successful realization of the catalogue raisonné the participating scholars are reliant on external information and references to objects or production types according to the designs by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In addition to original furniture items, we are particularly interested in photographs, drawings and furniture designs which are documenting related projects from the office of Mies van der Rohe.
In case of questions regarding the “Critical Catalogue Raisonné of the Furniture and Furniture Designs of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe” please contact:
Prof. Dr. Wolf Tegethoff
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10
80333 München
The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG):