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Aleksander Musiał

Princeton University Fellowship 2023/2024

Abteilung/en: Forschung
Gruppe/n: Ehem. Fellows


  • since 2017 | Princeton University, Art & Archaeology Department, United States, PhD in Early Modern Art History, advised by T. D. Kaufmann and B. Baudez; Thesis title: ‘Immersion: classical reception and Eastern European transformations of hygiene architecture, ca. 1600-1830’
  • 2016-2017 | University of Cambridge, Christ’s College, United Kingdom, MPhil in Classics, supervised by C. Vout and C. van Eck (High Pass); Thesis title: ‘Carving Classics: Gustav III’s marble Muses and the making of antiquity in 18th-century Sweden’; Seven Pillars Studentship, Faculty of Classics; Levy-Plumb Scholarship in the Humanities
  • 2013-2016 | University of Cambridge, Girton College, United Kingdom: BA with Honours in Classics, specialism in classical art and philosophy (First Class); Thesis title: ‘Antiquity in Chiaroscuro: G. B. Piranesi’s restored candelabra and the imitation of the ancients in the 18th century’ co-supervised by R. Osborne and F. Salmon; Members’ Essay Prize for BA Dissertation
  • 2012-2013 | University of Warsaw, Poland: BA in Art History, combined with French Studies within Individual Humanistic Studies track (degree obtained in 2018), supervised by B. Arciszewska; Thesis title: ‘C’est nous qui sommes les anciens: modern classicism and contested translations in L’Ordonnance des cinq espèces des colonnes selon la méthode des anciens by Cl. Perrault’



  •  ‘Mentem mortalia tangunt: fragments and fetishes in Izabela Czartoryska’s Puławy landscape garden (1794-1831)’, Oxford Art Journal 42.3 (2019), p. 355-372 (transl. in Rocznik Historii Sztuki 47, p. 91-109)
  • ‘Artful Foam: the making of erotic art in Lucas Cranach the Elder’s Venus with Cupid ’, Princeton
  • University Art Museum Record 77-8 (2017), p. 100-119
  • ‘Beyond capriccio: Piranesi’s transgressive classicism and its Eastern European receptions’, in M.
  • Bevilacqua & C. Hornsby (eds.), Piranesi@300, Rome 2022, p. 184-93


Prizes and Grants

  • since 2021 | Paul Mellon Predoctoral Dissertation Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
  • 2023 | Doctoral fellow at Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbuttel, Germany
  • 2022-2023 | Pensionnier etranger, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, supervised by Charlotte Guichard
  • 2021-2022 | Visiting Fellow, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome, supervised by Sietske Fransen
  • 2021 | HGSCEA Emerging Scholar Publication Prize (for the Oxford Art Journal article)
  • 2020 |Hack Award for Studies on Water and Environment Graduate Fellow, High Meadows Environmental Institute
  • 2019 | Collaborative Teaching Initiative Grant (with Prof. T.D. Kaufmann); Magic! Innovation Grant (with Prof. T.D Kaufmann)
  • 2018-22 | Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies Summer Grant


Museum Experience

  • 2022 | Collaborator at ‘Describing Ukraine’ exhibition at the Rare Books Department, Bibliotheca Hertziana
  • 2020 | Summer Intern at the European Painting & Sculpture Department, Princeton University Art Museum; Research and writing curatorial notes on artworks by L. Toeput, J.-M. Vien, J.-P. Norblin, and A. Dupre
  • 2019 | Summer Internship at the Prints and Drawings Department, Morgan Library & Museum; Curatorial assistant for the ‘J.-J. Lequeu: Visionary Architect’ 2020 exhibition: research, label-writing and programming; Academic consultant for ‘Diana by J.-A. Houdon’ exhibition, National Centre for Culture, Warsaw
  • 2018 | Summer curatorial internship in French art, Frick Collection; Museum file research on artworks by C. Lorrain, J.-L. Lemoyne, and C. Corot
  • 2017 | Curatorial assistant for ‘Are We Human?’ exhibition, Princeton School of Architecture


Conference Papers and Invited Talks

  • 2023 | ‘Vapours embodied: climate control and immersive experience inside Eastern European bathing architecture in the 1770s’, College Art Association Annual Conference, NYC; ‘Quand les eaux minerales cessent d’etre salutaires: les dessins pour Krzeszowice entre la science et l’urbanisme’ EHESS, Paris; ‘Brenna in Poland: arabesques, goats & other transgressions’, Bibliotheca Hertziana (invited speaker)
  • 2022 | ‘Tracing Vapours : Antonio Nunes Ribeiro Sanches’s Treatise on Russian baths (1771-9) between Paris and Saint Petersburg’, ‘Images and institutions: the visual culture of early modern scientific societies’, Accademia dei Lincei, Rome; ‘Springs of Decay: architectural lability and automatization of pleasure inside Pińczow Bathhouse, ca. 1610’, Conference ‘From Automata to Transhumans Debating Human Nature and its Limitations’, Centro Comel, Pisa; ‘Paper archaeology and grotesque orientalizaton inside the ‘Pompeian’ room of Łańcut castle’s Chinese apartment, ca. 1793-1800’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Dublin
  • 2021 | ‘Excess underground: G.B. Piranesi’s ancient imaginary and collecting practices in late 18th-century Eastern Europe’, Ars et historia: conference on Polish collections of antiquities, National Museum in Warsaw (invited speaker) Member of ‘On Academic Collegiality’ panel, Jagiellonian University Ombudsman (invited speaker)
  • 2020 | ‘At home with antiquity: liquid marble and immersive architecture in ruin designs by Charles-Louis Clerisseau, 1762-84’, Frick/IFA Symposium; ‘The Shipwreck of Antiquity: seafaring metaphor and the limits of retrospection in early modern antiquarian discourse’, Graduate Conference in Early Modern History, Harvard University
  • 2019 | ‘Древность у себя дома: Освоение чужого при использовании античного костюма в Царскосельском проекте Екатерины Второй’, Третья учебная конференция аспирантов, Princeton University; ‘Carving Classics: Gustav III’s marble Muses and the making of antiquity in 18th-century Sweden’, Classical Reception Workshop Series, University of Pennsylvania (invited speaker)
  • 2018 | ‘Liquid Marble: classicism and the flow of matter in London, Rome, and St. Petersburg', ‘Liquid Antiquity’ Workshop, Princeton Athens Center