Katarzyna Chrzanowska, M.A.
Stipendiatin des NextGenPhDs project, National Agency for Academic Exchange | Februar – März 2024
- 2022 | The Lanckoronski Foundation scholarship for research in Rome in Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History among others
- Since 2021 | Anthropos Doctoral School of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences, PhD student, thesis „Guild of painters in Cracow in the 18th century. The activities of the guild and its members in relation to the social and artistic phenomena of the period” supervised by Professor Zbigniew Michalczyk
- Since 2019 | Member of the editorial team of the art-historical journal “Artibus et Historiae”
- 2017 – Summer term, Institute of Art History, University of Vienna, Erasmus+ programme student
- 2016–2018 | Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University, M. A. with distinction in Art History
- 2013–2016 | Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University, B. A. in Art History
- Słowikowski Szymon, [in:] Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce działających (zmarłych przed 1966 r.). Malarze, rzeźbiarze, graficy, vol. 11, ed. by U. Makowska, Warszawa 2023, prepared with Izabela Kopania and Michał Myśliński
- Franciszka Wiszowata – A Nun as a Patron of the Art and Artist in Cracow in the 18th Century, [in:] Women in Arts, Architecture and Literature. AIWAC. Proceedings of the First Annual International Women in the Arts Conference, Rome, 20–22 October 2021, Women in the Arts. New Horizons, vol. 1, ed. by C. Lollobrigida, A. Modesti, Turnhout 2023, pp. 141–158
- Panelling in the chancel of the church of Saint John the Baptist in Skalbmierz, „Modus. Prace z historii sztuki”, 19, 2019, pp. 53–67