Matthew A. Sova, M.A.
- 2017-Present | Ph.D. Candidate: History of Art, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Primary Advisors: Dr. Christopher Lakey and Dr. Nino Zchomelidse, Dissertation: Reconstructing the Tomb of Christ: Authenticity and Performance in Medieval Holy Sepulchers
- 2016-2017 | M.A.: History of Art, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
- 2011-15 | B.A.: History of Art and Architecture, B.A.: Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, PA
Select Grants and Awards
- 2021-2023 | Kress Two-Year Institutional Fellowship, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, Germany
- 2021 | Sadie and Louis Roth Fellowship in the Department of History of Art, Johns Hopkins University
- 2018 | Cooke Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University
- 2015-16 | Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Stipend, Hildesheim, Germany
Recent Work
- “Reconstructing the Tomb of Christ: Authenticity and Performance in Medieval Holy Sepulchers,” Johns Hopkins History of Art Annual Graduate Symposium, Baltimore, MD (March 2021).
- Editorial Assistant, Christ on the Cross: The Boston Crucifix and the Rise of Monumental Wood Sculpture, 970-1200, ed. Shirin Fozi and Gerhard Lutz (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2020).
- Research Assistant, “Wrapped in Silk and Stone. Aesthetics of Illusion and Authenticity in Ottonian Legal Documents, Nino Zchomelidse (article forthcoming).
[Stand 31.07.23]