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Sie sind hier: Startseite / Mitarbeitende und Fellows / Dr. des. Tobias Teutenberg / Literaturverzeichnis / Objects at a Distance. Karl Schnaase's Description of the Antwerp Cathedral (1834) and the Pedagogic Conditioning of the Eye during the 19th Century

Tobias Teutenberg:

Objects at a Distance. Karl Schnaase's Description of the Antwerp Cathedral (1834) and the Pedagogic Conditioning of the Eye during the 19th Century

In: Vision in Motion. Streams of Sensation and Configurations of Time, hrsg. Michael F. Zimmermann, Zürich: diaphanes 2016, S. 147-163


Sie sind hier: Startseite / Mitarbeitende und Fellows / Dr. des. Tobias Teutenberg / Literaturverzeichnis / Objects at a Distance. Karl Schnaase's Description of the Antwerp Cathedral (1834) and the Pedagogic Conditioning of the Eye during the 19th Century