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Online-Vortrag // Thomas O. Haakenson: Visions of Racial Justice: From the Black Arts Movement to Black Dada



von 18:30 bis 20:00


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Are California dreams racially privileged ones? The Golden State is a land of racial utopia and racist dystopia. The fight against racial injustice and the struggle for black civil rights are unquestionably part of California’s history. And no other part of the state identifies more with these issues than the San Francisco Bay Area – and even more specifically, the East Bay city of Oakland.
In the 1960s and 1970s, artists associated with the Black Arts Movement (BAM) created a powerful visual and literary language in support of the Black Power rebellion. BAM’s influence lives on in artist Adam Pendleton’s contemporary Black Dada project and its connections to the Black Lives Matter phenomenon. From the Black Arts Movement to Black Dada, how have the aesthetics of racial justice and black civil rights transformed California’s Bay Area?

Schwarzweiß-Collgae. Zu lesen ist der Satz Black Lives Matter.
Dr. Thomas O. Haakenson is Associate Professor at California College of the Arts in San Francisco and Oakland, USA (see also He is co-editor of the book series Visual Cultures and German Contexts with Bloomsbury, and has been published widely, including in the journals New German Critique, Cabinet, Rutgers Art Review, German Studies Review, and the anthologies Legacies of Modernism as well as Memorialization in Germany Since 1945. He has co-edited several anthologies, including the collection Representations of German Identity with Deborah Ascher Barnstone and the volume Spectacle with Jennifer L. Creech. Finally, Haakenson has received awards and fellowships from the United States Fulbright Program, the Social Science Research Council, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, and the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies among others.


Der Vortrag ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe “California Dreaming: Utopia, Dystopia” des Lehrstuhls Theorie und Geschichte für Architektur, Kunst und Design der Technischen Universität München und des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte.

Die Vortragsreihe "California Dreaming. Utopia, Dystopia" findet via Zoom statt. Anmeldung im Voraus unter:


Abbildungsnachweis: Adam Pendleton, Black Dada Flag (Black Lives Matter), 2015–2018. Dimensions variable. Digital print on polyester. Courtesy of the artist