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Workshop // Maria Bremer: Questioning Art History. On the metahistorical use of exhibitions in 1970s feminism



von 11:00 bis 12:00


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 2. OG, Vortragsraum 242

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Since the late modern period, women artists have been using exhibitions as public platforms to affirm their presence in the art field. In the context of second-wave feminism, exhibitions remained an effective instrument for enlarging the art-historical canon. For many artists, however, the historical absence of women called for a more radical questioning of the very premises of canon formation. Focusing on 1970s Italy, this talk introduces the notion of ‘metahistorical exhibition’ to illuminate a so far understudied revisionist use of the art show, directed towards disrupting linear concepts of historical time.

Schwarzweißfoto einer gut besuchten Kunstausstellung.

[Caption: Exhibition opening of the Cooperativa Beato Angelico, 08.04.1976, Rome (Photo: Alfio di Bella / Archivia, Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Rome)]

Dr. Maria Bremer