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Vortrag // Stefaniia Demchuk: Decolonising Ukrainian Art History



von 18:15 bis 20:00


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG und digital

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Ukrainian art history developed under the constant pressure of two subsequent narratives, that of tsarist Russia and Soviet Union. Although this kind of pressure structured the discipline and defined its future for the decades to come rarely it comes into the spotlight, remaining implicit and, for that reason, persistent. Thus, the discussion of the historical roots and dominant narratives of Ukrainian art-historical discourse as well as of its present-day methodological underpinnings is crucial to the further decolonisation of Ukrainian art history.
Drei Personen aus groben Farbflächen gemalt. Zwei Männer im weißen Anzug und eine Frau in rot-orangenen Kleidern.

Stefaniia Demchuk is an assistant professor of art history at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and a Research Fellow at Masaryk University (Brno). She is currently working on her postdoctoral project devoted to the culture of memory and art of Sixteenth century Netherlands. The talk is a part of a larger study of historiography within the project, which looks at intellectual exchanges ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ European art histories.



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