Vortrag // Caroline van Eck: Cultures of Camouflage among Human and Non-Human Animals
von 18:20 bis 20:00
Camouflage is not the exclusive domain of animals. Humans also practice it, in hunting, war and fashion, social behaviour, and the arts. It is not restricted to artefacts; it also occurs in social behaviour, when people disguise their social status, desires or motives behind appearances they judge to be more acceptable or effective. The shared domain of animal and human camouflage and mimicry raises many psychological, cultural, behavioural and evolutionary questions about such animal and human behaviour, but it also offers new ways of thinking about the relations between human and other animals, the evolutionary origins of cognition, image-making, and empathy, and new departures for a dialogue between the humanities and life sciences.
The integrated access opened up by MAIA into the Munich collections in Egyptology, Archaeology, Art History and Ethnology offers the ideal laboratory to investigate some of these questions. In the talk Caroline van Eck will look at the hunt, courtly behaviour, and Gottfried Semper's foundations for a first, global history of artefacts that brought together the disciplines working together in MAIA, to discuss human camouflage in the arts.
Caroline van Eck is Professor of the History of Art at the Cambridge University and currently Visiting Professor at I Tatti, Harvard University, Florence. In 2018 van Eck was Panofsky-Professor at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. Her main research interests are art and architectural history and theory of the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, classical reception, the anthropology of art, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Gottfried Semper and Aby Warburg. Recent Publications include: Piranesi's Candelabra and the Revival of the Past. Excessive Objects and the Emergence of Style in the Age of Neoclassicism, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2023 | Restoring Antiquity in a Globalizing World: Piranesi's Late Work and the Genesis of the Empire Style, Munich: DKV, 2019.
MAIA – Munich | Artefacts, Images, Architecture. Research and Resources
Das Bayerische Nationalmuseum, das Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie sowie das Institut für Klassische Archäologie der LMU München, das Museum Fünf Kontinente und das Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte haben mit der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek einen gemeinsamen Bibliothekskatalog mit Lieferservice initiiert.
Mit über 1 000 000 Einheiten aus den Bereichen der Ägyptologie, Archäologie, Ethnologie und Kunstgeschichte bietet MAIA eine einmalige Möglichkeit zur disziplin- und institutionsübergreifenden Recherche. MAIA ermöglicht den zeitnahen Zugriff auf den Bestand einer jeden beteiligten Bibliothek auch von den Partnerinstitutionen aus.
Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei. Für eine Teilnahme vor Ort wird um Anmeldung gebeten unter maiaresearch@zikg.eu.
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