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Workshop // Konrad Krčal: Allegorical genres



von 12:00 bis 13:00


Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Vortragsraum 242, II. OG

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In my current project, I'm translating and revising a chapter on genre theory of my 2021 dissertation of French thesis prints for independent publication. My approach is to situate genre within the dynamics of the production and reception of works of art that are both instrumental for the (re-)production and stabilization of genres and their variation, transformation, and eventual obliteration. As my historical research is situated in the 17th century, I am revisiting the Benjaminian notion of baroque allegory as a sliding signifier that points to something ultimately unrepresentable in order to establish an overarching terminology for genre in historical and theoretical perspective. In the workshop, I will present and discuss my approach and terminology.