Online-Workshop // Charlotte Guichard: Watteau and the New World
Discussion with Panofsky Professor 2021 Charlotte Guichard.
[Caption: Watteau, Pèlerinage à l’île de Cythère, before 1721, Berlin, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Schloss Charlottenburg [Detail]]
PARTICIPATION: The presentation will take place via Zoom. You can join the Zoom meeting at the following link: Meeting-ID: 856 5934 5839 | Password: 148258.
This event is preceded by:
19 May 2021, 6:30 pm
Online | Panofsky Lecture 2021 // Charlotte Guichard: Colonial Watteau - Picturing Visions of Empire in Regency France