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California Dreaming: Utopia, Dystopia

Eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte und des Lehrstuhls Theorie und Geschichte für Architektur, Kunst und Design der Technischen Universität München

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Since the years of the Gold Rush, California has stood symbolically for utopian longing. The idea of unlimited freedom plays a crucial role in the vision of a geographic region which has inspired the hopes and dreams of many. As a melting pot, the region comprises a large diversity of arts and cultures and ways of living, and its openness toward multiple diaspora communities. However, taking the brutal facts into account, such as unaffordable house prices, a high degree of homelessness, the threat of wood fires and earthquakes, it remains questionable as to whether California has not rather become a dystopia for the majority of people living there.
This lecture series investigates how California as both utopia and dystopia manifests itself in art and architecture, and seeks to explore if the Californian Dream lives up to reality. We are particularly keen on interrogating how California functions as a nourishing ground for many novel ideas and approaches, particularly in cultural studies, gender studies, museum studies, political science and postcolonialism.

California Dreaming: Utopia, Dystopia


Die Vortragsreihe "California Dreaming. Utopia, Dystopia" findet via Zoom statt. Anmeldung im Voraus unter:
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27. April
Sarah Hegenbart, München // Utopia (Un)limited: Dystopian Elements in Painted Portraits of the Californian Dream

4. Mai
Udo Weilacher, München // Call it sculpture when it moves you so: Creations between art and landscape by Isamu Noguchi

11. Mai
Eva Ehninger, Berlin // Imagining the Status Quo. Ed Rusha’s Streets of Los Angeles

18. Mai
Sina Brückner-Amin, München // The Greenest Playground. Planting Los Angeles, 1930

8. Juni
Michael Diers, Berlin // URBANOTOPIA. On Word and Image and Some Political Aspects in Ed Ruscha's Every Building on the Sunset Strip (1966)

15. Juni
Adrian Daub, Stanford, US // Narrating the Suburbs: Von den Suburbs Erzählen

22. Juni 
Sylvia Lavin, Princeton // Life After Utopia: Richard Neutra and Survival by Design

24. Juni
Thomas O. Haakenson, San Francisco // Visions of Racial Justice: From the Black Arts Movement to Black Dada

8. Juli
Jörg Trempler, Passau // Paulo Soleris Arcosanti als Gegenentwurf zum Kalifornischen Traum