Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pfisterer
Direktor Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
Lehrstuhl für allgemeine Kunstgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kunst Italiens am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fax: +49 89 289-27607
- seit Juni 2015 | Direktor des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte
- seit Oktober 2006 | Professor am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der LMU München
- Stipendiat u.a. an der Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rom, am Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz und am Getty Research Center in Los Angeles
- 2006 | Habilitation an der Universität Hamburg
- Promotion 1997 | in Göttingen, danach Assistent und Juniorprofessor an der Universität Hamburg
Ulrich Pfisterer has taught Art History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich since 2006. He received his ‘Dr. phil.’ from the University of Göttingen (1997) and completed his ‘Habilitation’ at the University of Hamburg (2006). Fellowships allowed him to research at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome, the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, the Getty Research Center in L.A. and at CASVA/The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. His interests encompass the fields of early modern art in Europe and beyond, as well as the methodology and historiography of Art History. In 2012, he co-organized an exhibition on ‘Ideals and Idols’, which thematized the reception of non-European religious artifacts in European books and book illustrations from the 15th century up to the to 18th century publications of Montfaucon, Picart and Lafitau. He is currently directing two research projects: one on the ‘episteme of lines’ and drawing books from c. 1525–1925, and another on concepts and images of the ruler's body in early modern Europe.
Pfisterer has published books on – among other subjects – Donatello, art literature and theory in the Italian Renaissance, the social uses of Renaissance medals in Italy, the Sistine Chapel, and the interplay of concepts of erotic or biological procreativity and artistic creativity in early modern Europe. He is also the General Editor of the collected writings of Aby Warburg and he co-edited the volume Fragmente zur Ausdruckskunde (2015). Currently, he is preparing a collected volume of essays on global artistic exchange and contact zones from c. 1300-1650.
Weitere Informationen auf der Website des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte der LMU München
Bibliography on the homepage of the Institut für Kunstgeschichte of LMU Munich
- ANTIQUITATUM THESAURUS. Antiken in den europäischen Bildquellen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
- MunichArtToGo – Die „Kunststadt München“ von 1800 bis heute
- Episteme der Linien. Theorien und Praktiken von Zeichnen und Zeichnung | 1400-2000
- MAIA | Munich. Artefacts, Images, Architecture. Research and Resources
- “I desire nothing but ancient things” – Paul Petau (1568–1614): ancient culture, national identity and religious devotion