Villa Hadriana as a Microcosm A Space of Artistic Interaction in 18th- and 19th-Century Europe
The research project addresses the multi-faceted reception of the Villa Hadriana near Tivoli in its significance as a “dynamic contact zone” or “space of artistic interaction” in (early) modern Europe. The architectural finds, the building surveys, as well as the varied representations of the grounds and the objects uncovered over the course of centuries illuminate the evolution of archaeology, from the beginnings of the excavation campaigns as mere unearthing and recovery of artifacts up through the modern discipline with its scientific documentation.The complex realized by Emperor Hadrian between 117 and 138 C.E. was “rediscovered” in the Renaissance and since then could be considered a surface for projecting an idealized ancient culture.
It functioned on the one hand by creating a common experiential space as a basis for European understanding, but served on the other hand – beyond broadening the respective horizons – to develop individual and national concepts. The reception, presentation, and transformation of meaning of the portable decorative elements from the villa complex will be examined on selected examples for their “recontextualization” in private collections and museums. The various areas of inquiry primarily focus on the receiver groups of artists, architects, and draughtsmen, but also the excavators, restorers, and art dealers. With their (literary and visual) records, the representations and concepts, finds and impressions, aspects and notions of the Villa Hadriana were transmitted, which raises numerous questions.Read more [here]
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Lecture Series 2018-2020 // Villa Hadriana: die kaiserliche Residenz und ihre Rezeption / Program
Upcoming Lecture: Villa Adriana: Die kaiserliche Residenz und ihre Rezeption / Teil 5 (10. Juli 2020)
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April 2017 - November 2020
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